Saskatoon RWC Meeting

April 16, 2014
7:15 pm to 9:30 pm
5 - 511 1st Ave North, Saskatoon, sk (Map)
Notice of Meeting
Saskatoon Regional Women’s Committee

Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 16th at 5:15pmat the PSAC office located at 511- 1st Avenue North in Saskatoon.

Come meet your local RWC executive and see what we are all about.

We will be having a guest speaker, Tanya Andrusieczko who will be giving us a presentation on a new Feminist Summer Camp.

As well our Agenda will include:

Review of last minutes
Report of the Chair
Regional Convention update
Feminist Camp presentation
CRIAW Changing Public Services Project
Boycott of Public Service Week
RWC bauble making project

All Sisters are welcomed and a light meal will be served.

Please RSVP your attendance and/or additional Agenda items to Sister Nancy Johnson to by Tuesday, April 15th.

