Training Invitation: PRC, All Committee & Area Council Executive Members

October 15, 2019 to October 16, 2019
(All day)
Suite 200, 2445 - 13th Ave, Regina, Saskatchewan (Map)

Dear Friends:

I am writing let you know of an initiative that will be undertaken this Fall in the Prairie Region.

Your Prairie Region Council (PRC) has identified the need for greater consistency with regards to financial reporting throughout the region but also to ensure that we are maximizing our resources to affect change for our members in their workplaces and in our communities.

This has followed a review, conducted by the Prairie Region Council Finance Committee, of financial reporting packages submitted by Area Councils and Committees.
Recognizing the complexity of the matter and the fact that we have several new members in executive positions across the region – a good thing! – the PRC decided at its May 2019 meeting to fund a two-day event in each of the five (5) Regional Offices (ROs) in the Prairie Region to review and discuss financial reporting procedures in the region. I want to thank the Finance Committee and the PRC for approving this initiative which will provide greater clarity for everyone who does the hard work of building our union. This is a positive step which will help enormously to strengthen our union and its work.

One day will focus on reporting and financial procedures and one day will focus on how to identify priorities and turn your ideas into action.

These meetings will be open to: PRC members from the RO area; all executive members of all active committees (HRC, RWCs, YWCs and RIPCs) and Area Councils in the RO area; and staff from the ROs. As well, Regional Coordinator Lisa Garnier and myself will be in attendance at each of these meetings. We want everyone to be on the same page going forward.

One note: Unlike the political training held last Fall which some of you will have participated in, members who are unable to attend events in their respective ROs will not be approved to go to an event at another RO. These events are specific to the committees and Area Councils in your area. If you are unable to attend, your Regional Rep and other executive members will be able to fill you in.

This training will be fully funded including loss of salary, accommodation and travel for those travelling in from out of town. For those in town, your loss of salary and parking/transit will be covered. Yet to be confirmed but lunch will likely be provided.

Below are the dates for the respective sessions. Letters for loss of salary will be provided later this summer but please mark your calendars for the dates below. All meetings will be held at the Regional Offices.

Winnipeg (175 Hargrave Street, Suite 460) – Oct 9th & 10th
Regina (2445 - 13th Avenue, Suite 200) – Oct 15th & 16th
Edmonton (10665 Jasper Avenue, Suite 670) – Oct 28th & 29th
Calgary (609 - 14th Street NW, Suite 400) – Oct 30th & 31st
Saskatoon (511 1st Avenue N, Unit 5) – Nov 7th & 8th

Please contact my office with any questions.



Marianne Hladun
Regional Executive Vice-President
Public Service Alliance of Canada, Prairies