Violence Prevention in Federally Regulated Workplace

April 16, 2016 to April 17, 2016
(All day)
670 - 10665 Jasper Avenue, T5J 3S9, Edmonton, Alberta (Map)
Sign-up Deadline: 
April 8, 2016
Register online:

This brand new, two-day advanced course will provide information and better enforcement tools to PSAC Locals, and Health and Safety Committees on the Canada Labour Code Part II requirements on violence prevention as well as its applicable regulations. This course will highlight the legal requirements on violence prevention within Part ll of the Canada Labour Code and Part XX of the Regulations; help activists understand the existing recourses available in preventing and dealing with violence occurrences in the workplace; assist members in better understanding rights and obligations for workers, workplace committees and for the union; assist activists to better understand how a complaint is handled and what other protections are available for PSAC members. Participants should have a basic knowledge and understanding of Section 127 Internal Complaint Resolution Process, Section 128 Right to refuse Dangerous work, and the 3 basic rights (Right to know, Right to participate and Right to refuse).
