The Winnipeg Area Council (WAC) has partnered with the Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition (MEJC) to educate our Region about the controversial Energy East that is proposed by TransCanada Pipelines to create a massive network of old and new pipelines stretching over 4,600 km from southern Alberta to New Brunswick. The WAC was represented on the MEJC Organizing Committee to both inform PSAC members and to participate in the MEJC's campaign.
Winnipeg is the most at risk major city in Canada as the pipeline crosses the Red River in St. Norbert, just south of the perimeter. The Energy East pipeline runs parallel to five natural gas lines, putting it at risk of an explosion. The Energy East pipeline also crosses 2 meters below the Winnipeg Aqueduct and within the spill zone for most of its length.
The Committee organized a day of action (On Saturday July 4th) where there are gonna be a Paddlers taking the Assiniboine River to the Forks! Along the way, they will be greeted and cheered at Osborne Street before disembarking at The Forks. AND there are going be Pedalers carrying the message through the streets following a route along Portage Avenue to Ragland Road to Wolseley Avenue to Furby to Westminister twisting and turning to Broadway to Main Street to Mahatma Ghandi Way to Israel Asper Way to Oodena Circle.
We are asking our members to volunteer their efforts on the Osborne Street bridge. Please meet us in the Granite Curling Club east parking lot at 11:15 AM. Their will be a van delivering the banners and placards that everybody can take onto the bridge and have a little celebration and after the paddlers pass underneath we will pack everything back into the van and head to Oodena for the celebration.
Please support this cause to Protect Our Water, Our Land and Our Climate.
For more information please contact Sister Tania LaChance at or brother Gus Mardli at MardliG@PSAC.COM