Winnipeg Area Council Meeting - Dec.13 at 5:30 pm

December 13, 2017
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
175 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Map)
Sign-up Deadline: 
December 13, 2017
Register online:

Draft Agenda:

1. Call to order
2. Round introductions
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. PSAC Statement on Harassment
5. September 26 , 2017 minutes approval (Sr. Grove)
6. Treasurer’s report (Sr. Topnik)
7. By-Election WAC Vice-Chair:

By-Law 8, Sub-Section 4 When a vacancy on the Executive Committee occurs, a notice of at least two (2) weeks to fill such vacancy shall be given, and an election will be held at the next regular meeting of the Council.
8. Update – Phoenix protest
9. Update – Remembrance Day Wreath Laying
10. Update – Santa Clause Parade (Br. Janz)
11. New Business – Labour Grassroot Leaders Affiliation (Sr. Hanson)
12. Next meeting date
13. Round table
14. Adjournment
