Winnipeg Area Council Meeting
New Date: Thursday November 8, 2018 @ 5:30 PM
1. Call to order
2. Round introductions
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. PSAC Statement on Harassment
5. October 3, 2018 minutes approval (Sr. Grove)
6. Treasurer’s report (Sr. Dmyterko)
7. Old Business :
a. Phoenix
b. Bargaining update
8. New Business :
a. Remembrance Day Wreath Laying (Br. F. Janz)
b. Santa Clause Parade (Br. F. Janz)
c. CLIFF Night proposal approved (Sr. Hanson)
d. Seasonal Celebration
9. Next meeting date
10. Adjournment
RSVP online at this website link.
Gus Mardli
SE MB Rep.
Prairie Region Council, PSAC
782 Elmwood Ave.
Morden, MB.
R6M 1K8
: 1-204-797-4722