Winnipeg Regional Women’s Committee

November 10, 2015
5:15 pm to 5:15 pm
470 - 175 Hargrave St, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Map)


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Agenda:
  3. Review and approval of minutes from September 2015 meeting
  4. Treasurer’s Report:
  5. Previous business:
    - Look back at federal election campaign
  6. New business:
  • Day of Remembrance luncheon hosted by MFL on Friday 4 Decembe
  • Way ahead for 2016- speakers we may wish to invite
  • IWD 2016 – will be on a meeting night – do we want to plan ahead
  • Seasonal Celebration 2015- host will be human rights committee

7.    Next meeting date, time and location:

8.    Adjournment 

9.    Social time - Dessert and door prize

Light supper provided

Please RSVP to 204-947-1601   
