Winnipeg Regional Women's Committee Meeting - Jun 14/16

June 14, 2016
5:15 pm to 7:15 pm
460 - 175 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Map)
Register online:


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Agenda:
  3. Review and approval of minutes from May meeting
  4. Treasurer’s Report:
  5. Previous business:

     -  Look back at regional conference
  6. New business:

    -  Speakers for the fall- who would we like
    -  Social Justice Fund – potential project(s)

  7. Next meeting date, time and location:
  8. Adjournment
  9. Social time- Dessert and door prize draw


Light supper provided

Please RSVP to 204-947-1601
