Winnipeg Young Workers' Committee Meeting (Oct.4 at 5:15 pm)

October 4, 2018
5:15 pm to 7:30 pm
175 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba (Map)
Sign-up Deadline: 
October 4, 2018
Register online:

Hello Manitoba Young Workers!

Our next Winnipeg Young Workers Committee (YWC) will be October 4 at 5:15. A light supper will be provided.

The meeting will be at the PSAC Boardroom on the 4th floor at 175 Hargrave Street

If you are outside of the Winnipeg area, or are unable to attend in person, please call: Toll-free number: +1 (844) 259-7596 Conference ID: 1773885

Please share this poster and email widely! 


Mackenzie Campbell

Young Workers Representative for PSAC Prairies Region

Young Workers Chairperson for CEIU Manitoba Saskatchewan Region

Co-Chair for CEIU National Young Workers Committee

PSAC Young Worker Representative for the CLC Young Worker Committee

President for CEIU Local 50770

Cell: 204-803-0587


Instagram: @PSACPrairiesYWRep 

Facebook: @PSACPrairiesYWRep , @CEIUNationalYWGroup , @psacywc.afpccjt