Gus Mardli PRC Report (June 2014)

Gus Mardli
South-East Manitoba Geographical Representative

Greetings sisters and brothers,

This is going to be a short report, since I was only elected to the Prairie Region Council in January 2014, representing the South-East Manitoba Geographic Area. It has been an honour and a privilege and I will be looking forward to work with each and every local in this geographic area.

The last few months were busy, for all PRC members, prepping for the 2014 Prairie Region Triennial Convention. Resolutions were debated, voted on then submitted by the PRC. This was done through a ‘one in person’ official meeting and another efficiently done Webinar Meeting. 

I was also very fortunate to work with other sisters and brothers of the PRC on the

By-Laws Resolution Committee where we spent a couple of teleconferences debating, voting on and recommending resolutions that were submitted by other bodies.

As part of my portfolio, I was also assigned to be on the Health and Safety committee along with Sister Nancy Johnson and Brother Alec Goertzen. I am looking forward to such opportunity as well.

On April 10th 2014, I joined Brother Clint Wirth (Regional Representative, Health & Safety) for a general meeting with NHU Local 50012. The local members attending their AGM were informed about bill C-4 outcome and consequences. The attack on sick leave from the current federal government was also discussed and some members voiced their concerns and asked few questions on how it may threaten their sick leave. The local was also informed about town hall meetings and interactive webinar to be held in the near future.

I have been actively attending meetings and activities put forth by both the Winnipeg & Area Human Rights Committee and the Winnipeg Area Council.

At last I wish everyone a productive and fun-filled Convention.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gus Mardli
