Imy Bhatty PRC Report (Nov. 2011)

Imy Bhatty, Racially Visible Persons Representative
Report to the Prairie Region Council
November 2011

This report covers the period from the Prairie Regional Convention to October 21, 2011. If you have any questions, please contact me using the information below.


Most of the activity outlined below has been in support of overall PRC initiatives. Given the scope of the issues facing the PSAC and the Prairie Region, I have been putting more effort into the larger campaigns instead of focussing on the specific issues of racially visible members.

Right now, the biggest issues facing our racially visible sisters & brothers are the same issues facing most members; will we all have jobs in the near future? What can we do to fight the cuts? How can we counter the CFIB’s mudslinging?

Specific Activities:

June 22 – Participated in PRC conference call.

August 26-27 – Participated in PRC meeting in Winnipeg.

September 27 – Had a short meeting with other PRC members and Oneil Carlier from the regional office to discuss how we would implement our participation in the Prairies on Patrol leadership meetings. Agreed to develop an icebreaker on WFA with Brother Cooper.

October 13 – Participated in the Prairies on Patrol leadership meeting in Edmonton.

October 5-20 – Helped to co-ordinate and participated in a PSAC “Adopt-a-Day” build with Habitat for Humanity in Edmonton.

Respectfully submitted,

Imy Bhatty
Racially Visible Representative