Input Call for Resolutions to 2014 Prairies Convention

To: Locals/Branches, Regional Women’s Committees, Access, Pride, Aboriginal Peoples, Racially Visible Person or Human Rights Committees and Area Councils in good standing in the Prairie Region

Re:  Input Call for Resolutions to 2014 Prairies Convention

The 6th Triennial Convention of the PSAC Prairie Region will be held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan at TCU Place beginning Friday, June 27, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. and concluding Sunday, June 29, 2014 at 12:30 p.m.

Resolutions must be forwarded to my office by Wednesday, March 5, 2014. Please submit the resolutions in electronic format (via email) where possible. Resolutions may be submitted in either traditional or plain language format.

As per Section 9, Sub-Section (3) (b) of the PSAC Prairie Region By-Laws, resolutions will be accepted from the PRC, Locals/Branches, Regional Women’s Committees, Access, Pride, Aboriginal Peoples, Racially Visible Person or Human Rights Committees and Area Councils in good standing. The By-Laws have been attached below.

Resolutions should be clear and concise. Attached below is the "A Good Resolution" checklist that the PSAC includes in the Convention Preparation Course, which you may wish to refer to when drafting resolutions.

Submitted resolutions should: be formatted in 14 point Arial font; be formatted in either the traditional or clear language format and include the title and originating body; and, not include any special formatting such as boxes or drawings.

Additionally, in order to receive a subsidy registration forms must be received by February 12, 2014. Members authorized as a delegate/alternate may register online. If you have any questions, please contact me at 1-855-956-4625 (toll-free) or email.

In Solidarity,

Marianne Hladun
Regional Executive Vice-President
Public Service Alliance of Canada, Prairies

PDF icon Resolutions Input Call 2014243.16 KB
PDF icon A Good Resolution70.97 KB
PDF icon Prairie Region By-Laws286.8 KB
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