Jackie Nettleton PRC Report (Feb. 2015)

Jackie Nettleton
Saskatoon Area Council Rep
Prairie Region Council February 2015

The secretary-treasurer for the Saskatoon Area Council, Nicole Wurm, represented us at the Remembrance Day services and laid a wreath on our behalf.

As president of the AC, I was able to attend the AGM of the UNDE local at the military base at Dundurn and speak about the activities that the AC participates in. I hope to attend more local meetings in the future to inform members about the work of the AC and to recruit more members and locals to participate.

We joined with the RWC in hosting a seasonal open house at the regional office in December. We asked members to bring socks or food for local shelters and the Food Bank. We has a speaker from the SFL who gave a presentation on community organizing.

I sit on the GCWCC committee as the labour rep. from PSAC. This year there was an increase in bad feelings from members toward management which hindered the campaign. Although the past chair on the committee noted that the letter from Marianne helped. He said that there is a perception that managers get bonus points for success in the GWCC campaign which isn’t the case.  It was decided that at the awards lunch in March we will invite Andrea Howe, the labour rep. at the United Way Office, as a speaker. Andrea came with the United Way/GCWCC  rep. Jenny Plotzke, and myself to the National Parole Board when we presented the AC award to the local with the highest participation and spoke about the benefit that labour and management can make to the community when they work together. It was very well received so we want to highlight this at the GCWCC awards lunch.

I attended the CLC educational on Jan. 9 and 10 in Saskatoon. CLC President Hassan Yussuff opened the event. There were many ideas about the current political situation and the importance of mobilizing members. Professors David McGrane and Charles Smith gave presentations regarding the best ways to influence voting outcomes. Saskatoon was the first of a series of these CLC educationals  and I would highly recommend other members of the PRC to attend them. The CLC is offering them at no charge.

I will be attending the AGM of the Saskatoon and District Labour Council on Feb. 6 & 7. I was also able to attend one of their general meetings in the fall. For the AGM and for SFL conventions I have to go through my local for delegate credentials and funding. I would prefer not to take up a space from my local. Is there a way for PRC members and especially AC members who are supposed to develop ties with the larger Labour Movement to access these opportunities without going through their respective locals?

Jackie Nettleton
Saskatoon AC rep. to PRC

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