Jackie Nettleton PRC Report (Nov. 2015)

Jackie Nettleton
Saskatoon Area Council Rep
Prairie Region Council November 2015

Day of Mourning

I was the delegate to the PSAC Triennial Convention in Quebec this spring so I wasn’t in Saskatoon for the Day of Mourning ceremony that the Area Council always participates in along with the Saskatoon and District Labour Council (SDLC) and other Saskatoon unions. Unfortunately, I forgot to ensure that someone attended on our behalf. We may think that nobody notices the work we do but they seem to notice when it’s not being done. The Regional Office was asked why we hadn’t shown up.

Days of Action

As part of our “19th” actions we held a rally/pizza lunch at the government building downtown at lunch time. Emanuelle Tremblay, the president of CAPE spoke as well as Scott Bell, a PIPSC member and NDP federal candidate, spoke and the event was well attended. We had press there but the only coverage I saw was in the Saskatoon paper that mentioned the Regina rally.

Another “19th” day I was able to meet with my own MP (Conservative) and discuss how we were being treated with regards to sick leave and a lack of negotiations. The same day several of us gathered at another MP’s office but the staff locked the door so we decided not to try to have a meeting. It was very difficult to get to talk to MPs – ours were all Conservatives – because they would only meet with their own constituents and seemed reluctant to do even that.

Pride Parade

In June we marched in the Saskatoon Pride Parade and gave out temporary rainbow tattoos to kids. There were only two of us with the banner because the usual activists that help out with the parade were participating with their own MP and MLA candidates but there were a fair number of PSAC members in the parade and others attending.

Public Service Week

Public Service Week was boycotted and we left alternative activities up to the locals. For the first time CUPE and other public service unions organized a bbq in one of the city parks to celebrate Public Services on June 21. We didn’t hear about it in time to organize anything re. PSAC but a couple of us attended and helped out. They intend to have another bbq next year so hopefully it becomes an annual event and PSAC will have a bigger presence.

Federal Election

 During the election the riding of Saskatoon West was targeted as the constituency with the greatest chance of getting rid of a Conservative. Along with the Regional Women’s Committee we participated in holding an all candidates meeting for this riding. However, even though all the declared candidates were invited, only the Liberal and NDP candidates showed up. The SDLC sponsored a canvassing day targeting Saskatoon West and Saskatoon University that AC members participated in as well. The AC and RWC stuffed envelopes that were sent out to PSAC members containing information provided by the RVP’s office. Saskatoon West elected the NDP candidate but unfortunately the rest of Saskatoon is still Conservative so we still have work to do.

Labour Day BBQ

In the midst of the election we participated in the SDLC Labour Day BBQ. Despite the rainy weather it was well attended and we handed out a lot of balloons, play-dough and swag. Special thanks to Martha Johnson’s partner for getting a shelter for us so we weren’t completely soaked.

Remembrance Day

We will again be laying a wreath on behalf of PSAC at the Remembrance Day ceremony which is held each year at the Saskatoon arena. 

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