Jennifer Grant PRC Report (Feb. 2015)

Jennifer Grant
NW Manitoba Geographical Rep
Prairie Region Council February 2015

During this reporting period I was involved in numerous activities through the Westman Area Council and the PRC.

In November, I participated in a joint conference call with the Prairie Region Geographical Reps and the Area Council Reps to help clarify each of our roles. Shortly after this call, I also attended a joint meeting in Winnipeg with our Manitoba reps and the Regional Office staff to define additional roles and responsibilities. I found both of these meetings to be very productive and Gus and I were able to better define the Manitoba areas for our positions on the PRC.

Also in November, I began attending the Brandon & District Labour Council meetings to become more familiar with our local labour partners. I was able to experience a tour of the Safe and Warm Shelter run by the Samaritan House Ministries at the December meeting. The Samaritan House also runs the Food Bank and provides other social services that I hope to have the WMAC and our locals become more involved in. I would like to see if we can organize a food drive sometime in the spring.

In December, the WMAC was actively involved in the Brandon & District United Way Christmas Tree Auction and sponsored a family of six with a Christmas tree and gifts. With donations from our locals and a last minute alliance with the Brandon UCT club, we were able to purchase three Christmas trees at the event and donated over $3000 to the United Way for 2015 programming. What a great night! I have also been added to the United Way mailing list so that we can be more active in other United Way events throughout the year.

In January, I attended the PSAC Leadership Training in Winnipeg. There, we were able to meet with other PRC members, as well as component executive officers from our area and make a plan of action for the upcoming months. Our next project is Feb 16th at the Boissevain border crossing. We will be holding a friendly demonstration in support of our local veterans and the reopening of the Veteran’s offices. What a great idea from the MB CIU President Joel Tetreault. He has organized the same event at Emerson and Sprague for the same day and time. Not often do we rally at the border so I’m especially looking forward to this.

And last but not least, the Westman Area Council AGM will be held two days later on Feb 18th in Brandon which I will be attending.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Grant
