Mintues of LAC (Mar. 4, 2011)
Minutes of the Meeting of the
Lethbridge and District Area Council
March 4, 2011
Sister Robyn Benson (REVP Prairies),
Raj Hari,
Greg Krokosh,
Lorna Selinger,
Dave Pearson,
Michele Coe,
Stephanie Erb,
Darrell Vedres,
Susan Krysztofiak.
Called to order: 1815 hours
1. Agenda was adopted as presented
2. Minutes of the October 13, 2010meeting was read and adopted with corrections
1. Area Council Treasurer reported as adopted
2. As for January 19, 2011, the bank balance: $2385.51
3. Motion to Adopt. Move/Seconded /Brother David Pearson/Sister Susan Krysztofiak
Food Bank Tomato Project
Sister Stephanie Erb from Agriculture Local 30048 proposes that the Area Council provide funds for the Food Bank Tomato Project. The project involves growing tomatoes in a pot for the Interfaith Food Bank who would give to their clients, thus showing then that food can be grown by them. Also, give the same plants to their Young Chefs program. This program teaches young people how to prepare their food thus showing them that preparing their own food is a better choice. The tomatoes which they have been growing can be an ingredient in their food. The goal of this project is to show people that growing their own food can be easy and does not need a large space. PSAC members will grow the plants from seed and delivered the potted plants in mid to late May to the food Bank. It is estimated that it would cost about $300 to do this project
Sister Benson spoke how this project can connect the Area Council and PSAC with the community
Motion to Support. Move/Seconded: Sister Stephanie Erb /Sister Michele Coe
- Take ownership of the issues, be aware of the Union
- Members need to hear positive and accurate things of the PSAC
- Need to reach out to the members
Brother Hari asked what type of courses are need for this region and they (PSAC) will try to put it on.
- Roundtable
Meeting adjourned at 1945 hours