Lethbridge AC (Oct. 2011)

Minutes of October 19, 2011)

Minutes of the Lethbridgeand District Area Council General Meeting

October 19, 2011


Executive:        Greg Krokosh               President   #30027

                        Lorna Selinger             Vice President  #30048

                        David Pearson             Secretary-Treasurer  #30048


Attendees:       Carol Prummel            #30027

                        Christine Krokosh        #30027

                        Ray Wilson                  #30048

                        Darrell Vedres             # 30048

                        Darren Harvie              #30858

                        Barb Giesbrecht          #30858

                        Raj Hari                       PSAC Regional Rep


Called to order: 1805 hours


  1. Agenda
  2. Motion to Adopt. Move/Seconded Sister Selinger/Sister Prummel
  3. Carried


  1. Minutes of the September 20, 2011
  2. Motion to adopt with minor corrections, Move/Seconded Sister Selinger/Sister Prummel
  3. Carried


  1. Area Council 2012 budget
  2. The 2012 budget was presented and discussed (Appendix A)
  3. Motion to Adopt. Moved/Seconded: Brother Pearson/Sister Prummel
  4. Carried


  1. Election of Officers
  2. President
  3. Brother Greg Krokosh was nominated by Sister Prummel, seconded by Sister Selinger
  4. Brother Greg Krokosk was acclaimed.


  1. Vice‐President
  2. Sister Lorna Selinger was nominated by Brother Wilson, seconded by Brother Krokosh.
  3. Sister Lorna Selinger was acclaimed.


  1. Secretary‐Treasurer
  2. Brother David Pearson was nominated by Brother Krokosh, seconded by Sister Prummel
  3. Brother David Pearson was acclaimed.


  1. Elections of 2012 PSAC Triennial Convention Delegate and Alternates
  2. Delegate
  3. Lorna Selinger was nominated by Brother Vedres, seconded by Ray Brother Wilson Coe
  4. Brother Greg Krokosh was nominated by Sister Prummel seconded Sister Krokosh
  5. Sister Lorna Seliger won by secret ballot


  1. Alternate
  2. Brother Greg Krokosh was nominated by Brother Wilson seconded Brother Pearson
  3. Brother David Pearson was nominated by Sister Giesbrecht, seconded by Sister Selinger
  4. Brother Pearson Decline
  5. Brother Greg Krokosh was acclaimed.


  1. Area Council Treasurer report
  2. As for October 19, 2011, the bank balance: $3235.69
  3. Motion to Adopt. Move/Seconded Brother Pearson/ Brother Wislon
  4. Carried


  1. Campaigns
  2. Brother  Hari spoke about Harper’s cuts to the public service and the campaigns to fight them
  3. They are expecting 200,000 signatures on the petition to Tony Clement and hopping that they will be completed in November.
  4. Ask Area Councils to lobby our local MP.
  5. Spoke on the CFIB campaign and that members should:
  6. Remind local CFIB members what their spokespersons are saying about Public Services and remind them that we are also their customers.
  7. Give Local CFIB members postcards to sign and to mail to their President stating that they are for the public service and the campaign against them to stop.


  1. Roundtable
  2. Brother Wilson spoke about the new PSAC flag he saw at the 2011 National Aboriginal Conference. Brother Hari informs the Area Council that they can use the flag for their local events and activities.
  3. Sister Selinger spoke about the Leadership Seminar that was held in Calgaryand what activities the Area Council needs to do.
  4. Brother Wilson spoke about what happen and the work they did at the 2011 National Aboriginal Conference
  5. Brother Pearson spoke about the upcoming Triennial Convention and that the Area Council can submit resolutions directly. Brother Pearson suggested that we submit two resolutions that were not brought to the Regional Convention floor.
  6. Resolution 1 about electronic voting system (Appendix B)
    1. At the Regional Convention is was General Resolution #29
    2. Moved/Seconded Brother Pearson/Sister Giesbrecht.
    3. Carried
  7. Resolution 2 about workplace bullying (Appendix C)
    1. At the Regional Convention is was General Resolution #7
    2. Moved/Seconded Sister Giesbrecht /Brother Wilson
    3. Carried


  1. Meeting adjourned at 1917 hours

Appendix "A" - Proposed Budget for Lethridge Area Council ..... Please contact the PSAC Calgary RO at 403 270-6555 if you require a copy of this document...... Please contact the PSAC Calgary RO at 403 270-6555 if you require a copy of this document.


Appendix "B" - Resolution #1 - Electronic Voting System ..... Please contact the PSAC Calgary RO at 403 270-6555 if you require a copy of this document.


Appendix "C" - Resolution #2 - Workplace Bullying ..... Please contact the PSAC Calgary RO at 403 270-6555 if you require a copy of this document.


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