Lethbridge AC (Sept. 2011)

Minutes (September 20, 2012)Minutes  - Lethbridge and District Area Council

September 20, 2011


In attendance:

Greg Krokosh, President;

Lorna Selinger, Vice-President;

David Pearson, Secretary/Treasurer,

Raj Hari, PSAC Regional Rep,

Sherry Hunt,

Barb Giesbrecht,

Christine Krokosh,

Carol Prummel

Called to order: 1930 hours



  1. Agenda was adopted as presented
  2. Motion to adopt. Move/Seconded: Sister Carol Prummel/Sister Christine Krokosh
  3. Adopted


  1. Minutes of the March 4, 2011meeting was read and adopted with corrections
  2. Motion to adopt with corrections. Move/Seconded: Sister Lorna Selinger/Sister Carol Prummel
  3. Adopted with corrections


  1. Area Council Treasurer reported as adopted
  2. As for September 20, 2011, the bank balance: $3,799.19
  3. Motion to Adopt. Move/Seconded: Sister Barb Giesbrecht/Sister Sherry Hunt
  4. Adopted


  1. Campaign
  2. Brother Hari spoke on the Canadian Federation Independent Business (CFIB) Campaign which is part of the PSAC defending quality public service.  It is a post card campaign which members of the CFIB are to approach and ask to send a post card to Catherine Swift via PSAC their support of public sector workers. With it they are encouraged to place a sticker “I support public service workers” in their window.  This is to counter the mis-information of public services and the public service workers which Ms. Swift is disseminating and the blame of Unionof doing everything wrong.
  3. Had a discussion of CFIB and Catherine Swift and of the campaign.


  1. Support for our Striking members at McGill
  2. Brother Hari spoke on the strike of the McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA) and the memorandum sent by Brother John Gordon.
  3. Had a discussion of the memorandum and our brothers and sister at McGill.
  4. Motion to donate $100 towards MUNACA strike with a letter showing our support was Moved/Seconded: Brother Greg Krokosh/Sister Lorna Selinger
  5. Adopted


  1. TC Bargaining
  2. Brother Hari spoke on the TC bargaining support and mobilization.  The team has developed a wrist band and a bookmark for TC members should wear and use to show their support.  It was noted that Parks have their own campaign, i.e. Post cards
  3. There was discussion on mobilization and the swag for it.


  1. Leadership meeting on October 12, 2011
  2. It is expected that the executive will attend this meeting and the agenda will be developed by the local Prairie Region Representatives.


  1. Education
  2. There was a concern that a course that was going to be held in Lethbridgewas cancelled to soon.
  3. It was suggested that the R.O. phone/inform locals the need for more Participants to ensure that the course will be held.
  4. There was a discussion on the JLP and that it should be used.


  1. PSMA
  2. Brother Krokosh spoke on that the Public Service Modernization Act (PSMA)  is coming up for its five year review and the PSAC has a report out that states that staffing sucks


  1. PSAC Tomato Project
  2. Sister Selinger reported on the project by stating that the final report will be ready for next meeting
  3. Brother Pearson mentioned that in the last meeting the tomato project estimated cost would be $300.00 but because of the successful germination of the seed, there were additional plants planted and the cost was $463.52 and the $300 dollar check was not issued.  Brother Pearson mentioned that he would like to be reimbursed for the monies for the project
  4. Motion to reimburse Brother Pearson for $463.52for the Tomato project was Move/Seconded : Brother Greg Krokosh/Sister Lorna Selinger
  5. Adopted


  1. Roundtable
  2. Sister Sherry Hunt spoke on the Tools for Schools program.
  3. It was started late for other locals to get involved but at the Agriculture Local managed to raise $1,400 in cash and school supplies
  4. It was recommended that a committee be created to make the program bigger and better.
  5. Sister Hunt mentioned that she sits on the AFLWoman Committee and spoke about the committee and their plans.
    1. December 4, 2011the Committee is having fund raiser brunch with the theme “History of Woman in Labour” in Edmonton.
    2. Spoke about woman in high risk.
  6. Brother Hari spoke about the Steward Network and the need to promote it
  7. Encourage stewards to subscribe to steward e-news
  8. There are lots of locals in Southern Albertathat are not on the network,
  9. Brother Krokosh spoke about AFL100 year anniversary and the Lethbridgeand District Labour Council’s plans for it. 
  10. They are setting up a committee to organize activities around the anniversary and the unions in Lethbridgecreated the AFL.


  1. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm


  1. Next meeting October 19, 2011.     Note it is the AGM
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