Lethbridge Area Council Minutes (April 2012)

RO Contact:   Raj Hari <--break->

Minutes Lethbridge and District Area Council

April 12, 2012 

In attendance:

Greg Krokosh (30027), President; Lorna Selinger (30048), Vice-President; David Pearson (30048), Secretary/Treasurer, Raj Hari, PSAC Regional Rep, Sherry Hunt (30048), Ray Wilson (30048), Stephanie Erb (30048), Christine Krokosh (30027), Darrell Vedres (30048), Krysty Munns (30048), Riley Merrill (30048), Rachel Albiez (30858) , Michele Coe (30048), Pamela Lussier (30048), Susan Krysztofiak (30048)

Called to order: 1800 hours


1.  Agenda was adopted as presented

    Motion to adopt. Move/Seconded: Sister Selinger/Sister Krokosh


2.  Minutes of the February 14, 2012 meeting was read and adopted with corrections

Motion to adopt with corrections. Move/Seconded: Sister Selinger/Sister Munns

Adopted with corrections

3.  Area Council Treasurer reported as adopted

As of April 12, 2012, the bank balance: $2,515.18

Motion to Adopt. Move/Seconded: Sister Selinger/Sister Munns


4.  Guest Speaker-Rachel Albiez, CEIU Local 80858

Sister Albiez spoke on her experience as the PSAC Prairie Region Young Workers' Delegate to El Salvador and Honduras, which was sponsored by the PSAC Social Justice Fund. In her presentation, Sister Albiez spoke on how we can support workers, who work in maquilas (sweatshops), by public awareness of workers in underdeveloped nations, lobbing government and companies about the issues, by supporting fair trade, by supporting union growth, and by supporting charities that promote sustainable development or womens rights.

Sister Albiezs report to the Prairie Region Council can be found PSAC Prairie Region website: http://prairies.psac.com/reports/young-worker%E2%80%99s-delegation-to-ce...

5.  AFL 100 year anniversary

Brother Krokosh gave an update on the AFL 100 year anniversary celebrations in Lethbridge.

March of Unions & Picnic in the Park on May 5, 2012   11:15am March of the Unions starting at City Hall

12:00 pm Picnic in the Park in Galt Gardens    April 19 last organizing committee meeting and there is still a need for volunteers.

Sister Hunt gave an update on the AFL 100 year anniversary celebrations in Edmonton.

Fort Edmonton is the site for AFL celebrations on June 16, 2012

Theres a bus leaving for Edmonton from Lethbridge on June 15, 2012, must book your spot by May 10, 2012

Motion for the Lethbridge Area Council to subsidize up to five members with a subsidy of $100 each to attend the AFL Celebrations in Edmonton on June 16, 2012.    Moved/Seconded: Sister Selinger/Sister Coe


6.  Federal Budget

Sister Benson sent a letter to all members in the Prairie region about the budget, it effects on our members and services to Canadian.

Let the regional office and REVP office know of any affected members and cuts to the workplace.

7.  PSAC Triennial Convention

Sister Selinger, Lethbridge Area Council delegate, spoke on the resolutions which will be presented at the Convention.

There were discussions on the some of the resolutions presented.

8.  PSAC Tomato Project/Foodbank Garden     Everything is on track for a successful year.

9.  Provincial Election

Remember to Vote and look at the issues.     There is money available for LOS to work on election.

Sister Selinger, Sister Hunt, Brother Greg, and Brother David have volunteered to work on Election Day.

10.  PSAC   Brother Hari spoke about Education and steward forum in Lethbridge.

Spoke about May Day day of action

The Area Council will have a demonstration against the budget cuts and its attack on public services in front of Hillyer’s Constituency Office.

11.  Roundtable

Sister Coe spoke on the cuts to food safety component campaign, but food affects us all

we (public and union members) need to lobby the MP  There are outbreaks that concerns food safety happens quite often and without inspections the outbreaks would occur every day and with possible deaths.

That the Area Council after every council meeting should meet with our MP and inform the MP of the issues.

Sister Selinger suggest that we do as early as possible after this meeting

Brother Krokosh would let the other locals know the time and date.

Sister Hunt spoke that she will be preforming in AFL celebration on June 16, 2012

Brother Krokosh mention that April 28 is the Day of Mourning at Mountain View Cemetery the Lethbridge Labour Council is sponsoring it

Brother Vedres ask for information on bargaining      There no new news to report but suggested that we sign up to electronic bargaining updates.

Brother Krokosh thanked the guest speaker (Sister Albiez) and asked for topics for future speakers.

The meeting was adjourned at 1945

Next meeting to be determine



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