Calgary RWC Mtg Minutes (Dec 2 2010)


CalgaryRegional Women’s Committee Meeting

 December 2nd, 2010 @ CalgaryRegional Office 

In Attendance:                                                                      

Nicole Frechette – NHU 30014                                   Dolly Ablitt – PSAC Calgary RO( Staff)

Gina King – CEIU 30856                                            Regrets:   Donna Bellefeuille                   

Sylvia Garrioch – CEIU 30856                                     Cindy Wong – CEIU 30856

Tammy Sapach – CEIU 30857 (via teleconference)      Ayanna Aya – CEIU 30856                    

 1.         Meeting called to order at 6:05 pm.

2.         Review of meeting minutes from September 28th, 2010.

Reviewed minutes of meeting.  Committee members read minutes. 

            Motion to approve minutes as amended.                                                                      

Motion carried unanimously.                                                                 M/S/C:Sylvia; Nicole

 3.         Treasurer’s report

            Balance $1,657.09

            $1,000 earmarked for convention

            One meeting is left with $657 left in the budget

             Nicole moved that her report be accepted as read.                                                       

            Motion carried unanimously.                                                                 M/S/C:Nicole; Sylvia                                                        

4.         International Women’s Day March 8th, 2011(IWD)

Many union organizations get together to plan IWD.  There are meetings once per month.  Dolly has been unable to attend a meeting due to contract ratification voting.  She did provide an update however.  It is the100th anniversary of IWD.  There have been concerns with the Carpenter’s Hall location in the past.   New proposed location is the Kirby Centre.  This location has better terms and it was voted at the last meeting to change to this location.

 This year’s theme is 100 years of Inspiration with costumes according to decades.  Women will be dressed up according to a decade and they will reference what they were able to achieve and what they were still fighting for.  The budget is $300. 

There is $75 of unspent money from last year’s IWD that we can carry forward to next year.  At the celebration of last year’s event there were approximately 150 people in attendance.

 Dolly is looking for a volunteer to attend this meeting on Dec 15th, 2010from 3:00to 5:00 pm.  It was discussed what we should do with our donation to this event.  Gina will attend with Dolly.

The RWC will send out letters to locals, with a description of the event and an invitation to attend the event.  We will canvas locals for donations to the event to provide a gift basket for a draw.  The gift basket will be drawn randomly for a woman in need in attendance.

 Discussed logistics of a Silent Auction and Draws to be held at IWD and put on by the RWC.

Budget is $300 plus $75 carried forward from the previous year.  

5.         Dec 6th Vigil

            Deferred from the vigil this year due to timing issues as a result of the ratification vote.

            The vigil is being held at Rosa Centre on Monday, Dec 6th, 2010from 12 pmto 1 pm.

            Candle ceremony and speakers at past events were discussed.  It is a somber event.  Buttons and posters have gone out to locals. 

            There is $89 left over from this year’s event as no funds were spent on this event this year.  This money will be donated to YMCA - Mary Dover House, as the Allianceto End Violence was no longer able to accept donations. 

            Motion to donate $85 to the Mary Dover House in commemoration of the Dec 6th National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.           

Motion carried unanimously.                                                                 M/S/C: Nicole; Sylvia

 6.         Sisters in Spirit

            Native Women’s Association was denied special project status; negatively affecting their activities.  Funding has been removed and threatens their ability to educate and inform the public about murdered and missing aboriginal women.         

             Dolly provided information about what the RWC can do to support the Native Women’s Association and Sisters in Spirit initiative.

             Sylvia volunteered to write a draft letter and pass that on to Dolly. 

             Sylvia motioned to write a letter to the Minister and/or other identified official is support of the Native Women’s Association.

Motion carried unanimously.                                                                 M/S/C: Sylvia;Nicole

7.         Joint Planning Meeting for Festive Open House/Pot Luck

            Nicole, Sylvia, Dolly and Gina will attend the meeting to be held at 5pmon Dec 7th, 2010.

            Party to be held on Dec 15th, 2010. 

Motion carried unanimously.                                                                 M/S/C: Joyce; Cindy      

8.         PSAC Campaigns

            Child Care – nothing to report

            Pay Equity – nothing to report

            Gun Registry – saved due to lobbying by members of the PSAC

            Pensions – maintained during Collective Bargaining

            Severance – voted out during ratification vote

9.         National Women’s Conference in Ottawaon October 22-24, 2010.

            Sylvia gave a verbal report of her attendance at the conference.  Reviewed the resolutions that were passed.

 10.       Triennial Convention Input Call

            Call for resolutions for the National Triennial Convention.  Some meetings will be hosted to spark debate and ideas about what issues want to be addressed for resolution writing.  Two meetings will be held, one in January and one in February.  The resolutions will be sent to Robyn Benson by February 23rd, 2011.  

            Convention resolutions training will be held and available to all locals. 

            Dolly suggested that the next chair is a delegate to the Triennial Convention. 

11        Federation of Labour has call for nominations for AB Federation of Labour International Women’s Day Award.  Nomination forms are on the website.  Nomination deadline is on Feb 4th, 2011.           

            Feb 25th and 26th, 2011 Equity Conference on Diversity and Inclusion – number of visible minorities in Albertahas increased 40%.  Conference will explore how to created racial harmony in the province. 

12.       Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm.  The next meeting will take place on January 11th, 2011.  The following meeting will be held on February 8th, 2011for the AGM, elections, planning IWD and resolutions writing.                                                                                                                       

Motion Carried                                                             M/S/C: Nicole; Sylvia 

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