Edmonton HRC Mtg Minutes (Aug 24 2010)

Minutes from the August 24, 2010 Edmonton Human Rights Committee meeting. Edmonton Human Rights Committee


August 24, 2010

In Attendance 

Cherylyn Shewchuk – Chair (UEW 50135)

Christine Burdett – Recording Secretary (UVAE 30026)

Elaine Alt, NHU 30016

Lucy Pratt, CEIU 30851

Bryan Smith, NHU 30016

Bonnie Lo, CEIU 30851

Oneil Carlier, PSAC Regional Representative

Call to Order As a quorum was present the Chair called the meeting to order at 1745

Elections The purpose of this meeting was to hold elections to replace the treasurer and Secretary following the resignations of the previous incumbents. Oneil Carlier volunteered to conduct the elections on behalf of the Chair and his offer was accepted.

Treasurer: Bonnie Lo was nominated by Cherylyn Shewchuk and seconded by Bryan Smith

Nominations were called for 3 times. In the absence of any further nominations and as Sister Lo agreed to accept the nomination Bonnie Lo was elected treasurer by acclamation

Secretary Brenda Skayman was nominated, in absentia, by Bryan Smith, seconded by Cherylyn Shewchuk

Nominations were called for 3 times. In the absence of any further nominations, and as Sister Skayman had indicated in writing her acceptance of the nomination, Brenda Skayman was elected Secretary by acclamation

There were, consequently, no ballots to be destroyed.

Cherylyn Shewchuk resumed the Chair


Books for Inglewood School - the Chair outlined the program currently underway to collect donations. Donors can give new books or monetary donations. The donations will be delivered to the school for International Literacy Day, September 8, 2010. A reminder email will be sent to all locals by Oneil.

Make Poverty History - aletter inviting locals to participate or to start an event and link it to “Think Public” has been sent out. Millennium Development Goals An event is to be held at the University of Alberta on September 17, 2010 and the committee has been invited to host a table. It will take place from 1030 until 1300 and volunteers will be required. Cherylyn described how the event was envisioned. Funding has been requested from the Social Justice Fund. In conjunction with this a video is planned for submission to the Guinness Book of World Records to attempt to obtain an entry. Oneil will request supplies from the Social Justice Office. This years “concentration” is LOCAL. The requirement forvolunteers will be 2-3 and an email will be sent out by Oneil once details of possible salary replacement have been finalized.

Labour Day Barbeque - Oneil will confirm details and then send them out. The Barbeque is sponsored by the Edmonton District Labour Council and not many of our locals are affiliated because of the cost.

Reading Day - a call is to go out for volunteers for reading day the week of September 9 th (6-10)

Oneil mentioned the UFCW 401 rally and barbeque at 1630 on Wednesday - details have already been sent out.

Round Table: No one had anything to add during the round table

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on September 21, 2010. At that time moreinformation should be available on the “Festive dinner”

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by the Chair.

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