Edmonton RWC Mtg Minutes (Mar 10 2010)

Regional Women's Committee

March 10, 2010


Darlene Lewis, RWC Chair

Terry Schneider, Recorder

Tamara Kozlowska, CEIU 30851

Elaine Alt, NHU 30016

Bonnie Lo, CEIU 30851

Brenda Skayman, UTE 30025

Leanne Key, USGE 30150

Maria DoRosario, CEIU 30851

Carisa David, UTE 30125

Special Guest Speaker: Robyn Benson 

Call to Order at 6:30 by Sister Darlene Lewis

Sister Robyn Benson gave an update on the Prairie Region Women’s Conference: Attentively take place in September located in Saskatoon. $159 a room is too high. Patti Ducharme is responsible for conference calls with representatives from other councils. The steering committee is made up of Regional Women’s Committee chairs in the west. There is a possible change of location to Winnipeg. The deadline for resolutions is September 6, 2010. It was decided to submit at least 2 resolutions to the conference. What changes do we want in the communities we live in? The United Nations proclamation is that Canada has failed miserably. We should establish a link at National to get Regional Women’s Committees together.

Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

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