Lethbridge AC Mtg Minutes (Feb 12 2010)

Minutes of the Meeting of the

Lethbridge and District Area Council

February  12, 2010


Executive:   present

 Quorum: achieved, in accordance to Area Council Bylaws

 Guest: Robyn Benson, Prairie REVP

 Called to order: 1800 hours







  • 1.  Minutes of the October 21, 2009was adopted as read










  • 1.  Area Council Treasurer’s report  was adopted








  • 2.  As of February 15, 2010bank balance of $3,194,88






    1. Area Council proposed budget was discussed
    2. Sister Benson informed the Council what is needed in the yearly proposed budget
    3. It should show our goals for the year


    1. Tools for Schools – Update
    2. Too late for this year
    3. Sister Benson spoke on Tools for Schools and how it is a good program for the Council to attempt to do.
    4. Brother Krokosh will speak to the schools
    5. Brother Pearson will speak to locals


    1. International Women’s Day - March 6, 2010
    2. YMCA is having a International Women’s Day events
    3. Local Women’s organization, Womanspace Lethbridge, does public education on woman’s issues, and research on woman issues to influence government policy and educate low income women on financial literacy. 
    4. The Council approved a donation of $200 to Womanspace Lethbridge to assist their sponsorship of women to attend YMCA International Women’s Day events


    1. Sister Benson spoke on various issues
    2.  PRC Strategy Session in January, 2010.
    3. What is the regional strategy and how we will get there
      1. PRC will work on pension and budget  issues
    4. Pension and budget  campaigns
    5. The Council is having pension townhall meetings this spring, Sister Benson will assist the Council in getting a PSAC Pension Rep. from Ottawaas a speaker
    6. Bother Pearson will contact AFLabout getting speaker to discuss Canadian Labour Council Pension campaign for the townhall.
    7. Bargaining  begins this year
    8. Bargaining is under New Regulation 15A
    9. Regional Bargaining Conference is this December in BC
    10. National Bargaining Conference is January 2011 in Ottawa
    11. CFIA, CRAwill have separate conferences
    12. Regional Woman Conference September 10-12, 2010in Saskatoon


    1. Lethbridge and District Labour Council
    2. This year they are doing a community outreach project and looking for some funding.  Brother Krokosh spoke on the project on behalf of the District Labour Council.  They are looking for funding for their main event, a presentation on immigrant women’s experiences working for the Great Western Garment Company (GWG) in Edmontonthis May or September as funding has not been reached.  The Council approved $500 funding for this project with a few conditions attached (funding is achieved and our name (PSAC) is displayed).

     Meeting adjourned at 2030 hours 

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