PRC Conference Call - February 10, 2010
Present: Robyn Benson, Marianne Hladun, Shaun Brennand, Timothy Hunt, Nancy Johnson, Glen Johnston, Chad Kemery, David Pearson, Gerry Pendulak, Gerald Wiegers, Clint Wirth, Carm Chan, Alison Davis, Pat Davis, Paul Graham, Louise Mardell, Tracy Thor
Regrets: Satinder Bains, Jo Chelick, Danial Curotte, Tanya Galenzoski, Fran Mohr, Susan Norman, Bill Osborne, Matt Tijani
1) PensionCampaign
Sister Benson started the conference call by apologizing to the Council. At the time of the Strategy Session neither the facilitators nor she knew that the campaign information would be coming out the following week. However she noted that the Council members were doing a terrific job working with the material and getting organized around mobilizing members. She advised that she shared the goals of the Prairie Region Council at the National Board of Directors meeting and that the pension information went out in the last Prairies e-newsletter. She also advised that all Component Presidents are committed to speaking and working with the PSAC on the Pension campaign and that all RVP’s and NVP’s have been sent the Pension materials.
A brief update was given by each Council member as to what stage their plans are at for the campaign. Some plans include rallies, plant gates, town halls, lunch and learns etc. Sister Benson assured the Council that they can put in for leave without pay for conference calls, work on the Pension campaign and budget watches.
Regular conference calls will be organized to ensure that the Council is kept up to date on activities across the Region.