PRC Conference Call Minutes (May 2012)

Prairie Region Council Conference Call
May 24, 2012, 1:00 pm

Present: Marianne Hladun, Shaun Brennand, Alec Goertzen, Timothy Hunt, Nancy Johnson, Denni Nelson, David Pearson, Matt Tijani, Steve Van Opstal, Clint Wirth, Alison Davis
Regrets: Dave Burchell, Susan Norman

Sister Hladun advised that she is currently in travel status while she secures long term accomodation in Winnipeg.  She has been travelling a lot and will continue to do so in June with the upcoming NBoD meeting and other sheduled events.  She will not be claiming expenses when she is in Saskatoonon personal time.  She committed to keeping the Council up to date, by sending out her schedule on a regular basis, so that they can join her at events wherever possible.
She asked those present on the call to confirm if they had approved the March PRC minutes and April conference call minutes as Sister Alison Davis had not had enough responses to be able to post them on the website. 

Sister Marianne touched on the following:

  • Public Service Week – a copy of the latest XO was sent to the Council today and it has been posted on the National website.  A letter will be written to go out in the Prairies from Marianne.  The NBoD has approved a resolution asking Locals not to help fund Employer events.  Regional Offices will be working, with Area Councils in particular, to help plan our own events.  Sister Denni Nelson advised that the Prince Albert Area Council will be hosting a bbq.
  • The Northern Saskatchewan Regional Aboriginal Peoples’ Circle has been recognized at the AEC.  She hopes to meet with them in the next month.
  • Regional Youth Committees – the resolution passed at Convention and funding will begin in 2013.  Newly formed Committees will still need three Components to be recognized at the AEC.  Sister Amanda-Rose Bourget will be contacted to discuss further.
  • The next PRC meeting will likely be held in September.  It is proposed that we try to overlap with the Prairie Staff Conference which is being held, in Winnipeg, September 17-21.  Alison will consult the calendar of events and look at a potential to overlap during those dates.  We will follow up with the Council.  At the September meeting, the Council will be going through the new bylaws, discussing actions and strategies, how Council members can play a more prominent role moving forward over the next two years.  PRC Reps are expected to submit reports as well as Committee reports for the September meeting.  If you need assistance in setting up conference calls, please contact the staff person assigned to your committee or Alison Davis.
  • Election of Altternate REVP will be done through the National office by mail in ballot.
  • Summer Campaign – “We Are All Affected” – there is funding available for this campaign. Regional Reps will be working with Area Councils to put forward proposals.
  • There will be a renovation of the REVP office in July and August.  During those months we will be working out of the boardroom.
  • The Prairie Region Health & Safety Conference is in the planning stages.  Brother Bruce Campbell is working with the H & S Committee. 
  • 2014 Prairie Region Convention is still being planned for Saskatchewan.  We are working with Sister Gaelle Felix – Convention Officer, who is assisting in the process.  As soon as we have more information, we will have a conference call with the Convention Committee.
  • AECportofolios will not be assigned until the next AECmeeting.

Action – Brother Hunt has asked for an update on the plans for a Convention for equity seeking groups, there has not been a meeting yet.  Sister Marianne said she would look into it.
Conference call adjourned at 1:35 pm.





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