Prince Albert AC Mtg Minutes (Jun 21 2011)

Minutes of Meeting from the Prince Albert and District Area Council Meeting on June 21, 2011.


Tuesday June 21, 2011   5:30 pm

John M Cuelenaere Library

Attendance:  Denni Nelson, Gerald Wiegers, Tim Hogan, Dallas Auger, Dave Beeds, Louise Mardell, Tracy Burton, Paul Daigneault.

Regrets: DebbieTaylor and Adam Pidwerbesk.

Prior meeting minutes were reviewed and adopted by B. Hogan and seconded by B. Beeds.

2.      Today was National Aboriginal Day: B. Daigneault gave a report of how the day went today at a celebration at Saskatchewan Penitentiary. 

   - There was a activity sheet given today in the morning  called Myths and Misconceptions quiz. 

- 37 of the sheets came back and the information is currently being summarized.

-$52.00 was donated to the Centennial Committee

-NAPC at the local level had a meeting on June 7th. 

-Hoping for a Regional Aboriginal Committee to be formed.

Sister Mardell brought 2 wheels of bannock for all to indulge in. Thank you Louise!

3.      Old Business

a.      Sunlife - nothing to report - still need to talk to Randy Hoback

b.      Fight back fliers

            -B. Wiegers shared that he thinks we should revisit/revise the fliers as the message, or a the least some of the information may need to be changed. 

- discussion in regards to partnering with Saskatoon for this may be a good idea.

- discussion about additional information to share with our members may include CETA (Comprehensive Economic Trade agreement), the Tar sands , Nuclear affects. 

-Discussion about partnering with OURPICK - a green group.

-Discussion about the government pushing privatization and the negative affects to allowing  companies to self-regulate instead of having public services. 

-The National Aboriginal People Network have a informative clip on You tube.

S. Nelson shared that she no longer can be the Alternate for Tim as the Prince Albert Area Council Rep as she is the Northern Geographical Rep and cannot hold two offices at the same time.  A call was put out to attendees if anyone was interested in being the alternate.  

S. Burton indicated an interest in being the Alternate

A motion by B. Hogan was put forth that S. Burton be the Alternate and it was seconded by S. Nelson.

c.      Resolutions from Convention  - no discussion

d.      Membership renewal - no discussion

4.      New Business

PRC report/update - B. Wiegers shared that his report was captured at the Triennial convention in Winnipeg.  The report is below:

Gerald Wiegers                                                                                                         Prince Albert & District Area Council Representative

PSAC Prairie Region Convention Report June 2011.

The following includes activities I have been involved with since the January PRC Meeting:


Attended a forum co-sponsored by a Prince Albert Activist Group, RPIC (Renewable Power-the Intelligent Choice) and The Council of Canadians from Prince Albert. This Forum pertained to the prospect of a nuclear waste site being considered within the Provinceof Saskatchewan. The Guest presenter, Dr. Jim Harding, spoke on the problems associated with any such site development.

Attended the Prince Albert & District Area Council meeting at which time the Election of new Officers was conducted. PRC members Marianne Hladun and Nancy Johnson were present for this Meeting.  Discussion also concentrated on our Council endeavor to bring more local members onto the Council.


Participated in a Conference call of the PRC wherein the discussion included: Convention resolutions, discipline issue, racist letters received by members in Montreal, NBOD Pension, Prairie Voice Awards, two possible strike sites in Sask.and an overview of preparations for the upcoming Prairie Region Convention.

Attended the March meeting of the Prince Albert & District Area Council at which time the election for our incoming PRC Representative was determined. Discussion also proceeded on our Council’s preparations for an expected upcoming Federal Election.


Participated in a quite lengthy Conference call along with other PRC members whose task it is to oversee the Finance Resolutions for the upcoming Prairie Region Convention.

Attended Meeting of ARPIC at which topics discussed included: a nuclear waste ban campaign, Earth day at City Hall, Chernobyl 25th Anniversary, presentation of anti-nuclear petitions in Sask. Legislature and Metis Nation letter to Sask. Attorney General respecting a request for prosecution of The Nuclear Waste Management Organization.

Assisted, along with Saskatoon Area council members, to produce a flyer letter for the Federal Election that would be sent out to all PSAC members in Northern Saskatchewan. The flyer letter, along with a pamphlet from the CLC was distributed. This letter urged all members to get out to vote and reminded each that the Political Party having achieved the greatest number of votes would likely become our employer.

Attended an All-Candidates Forum that had been organized by the local Council of Canadians.

Candidates from the NDP, Green and Action Parties were present while Candidates from the Conservative and Liberal Parties failed to show.  It was a well attended forum with several well formulated questions directed to the candidates.

Visited with Locals within Prince Albertto discuss members getting out to vote and providing each with the PSAC “Our Vote Counts” buttons.

This is my final report as a member of the PRC. I wish to express my gratitude and appreciation to Sister Robyn, the PSAC Regional Office Staff and fellow PRC members for all your kind support and the time we spent together over the past three years towards carrying out the work of the Prairie Region Council.  With my sincere appreciation and thanks,

National Convention

Labour Day Bbq- September 5th, 2011at Kinsmen park

            -S. Nelson indicated she would contact Faye Hill from the District Labour Council as they are the ones who usually put on the BBQ. 

S. Mardell, PSAC  has agreed to donate 200-300 dixie cups to the event along with approximately 200 frisbees. 

Discussion in regards to Aprons as well as a table being set up at the BBQ where temporary tattoos could be put on people as well as potentially handing out informational fliers to those in attendance.

S. Nelson put forth a motion to give a cheque to the P.A. & District Labour Council in the same amount  s last year for the Labour Day BBQ specifically.  S. Burton seconded the motion.

S. Mardell, B. Beeds, B. Auger, & S. Burtonhave all agreed to help out with the BBQ. 

Discussion in regards to showing out PSAC logo more in public events

In closing B. Wiegers wanted to share that Brian Carrier (a financial advisor) from the RBC bank has agreed to have an informational forum in relation to the severance pay out. 

Saskatchewan Penitentiary's Warden has agreed to provide an additional half an hour over the lunch so that member may attend and become aware of their options for severance.   Discussion in regards to informing other smaller locals and components that will be affected by the severance pay out of the contact and information provided.

S. Nelson motioned to pay for B. Hogan's travel claim.

S. Nelson motioned to adjourn, B. Hogan second

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