Regina AC Mtg Minutes (Apr 22 2009)



APRIL 22, 2009


Present:               Mark Gilchrist, 40721 (Vice-Chair)

Tanya Galenzoski, 40008, PFC Women’s Rep (Treasurer)

Satinder Bains, 4A008, PRC Visible Minorities Rep

ChadKemery, 40403, PRC Youth Rep

Steve Van Opstal, 40229

Bryan Thompson, 40229

Connie Gress, 40064

Janette Husak, 40064

Suzanne Huggins, 40064

Melissa Brandt, 40064

Dan Welsch, 40020

Donna Whitelaw, 40811

Lisa Garnier (PSAC Regional Rep)


Regrets:               Shaun Brennand (Chair)

                                Ed Janis (APSAR)


The meeting was called to order at 6:05 Mark Gilchrist, Vice-Chair


Previous Annual General Meeting Minutes:

Motion to adopt the minutes of the April 23, 2008annual general meeting.

M/S                        Tanya/Melissa                                                                                                  Carried





·                     Sister Tanya reviewed the notes for the 2008/2009 financial statement

·                     Members discussed the fact the 2008 financial statements had not been audited; it was agreed an Audit Committee consisting of: Dan Welsch, Bryan Thompson, Connie Gress, Mark Gilchrist, Satinder Bains and Tanya Galenzoski  would complete an audit and report to the Area Council and Sister Benson (REVP)


PRC Representatives:


·                     Sister Tanya reported that all RWC Committees are active and have been doing some social justice projects

·                     Brother Chad is trying to establish an e-mail tree; he finds information is often not passed on to young workers by local executive officers; Brother Chad encouraged anyone attending PSAC Convention to support for the resolution calling for a Youth Conference; Brother Chad indicated a letter had been sent out through Sister Benson’s office requesting contact names, however no one in attendance could recall receiving such a letter – Sister Garnier advised she would followup with Sister Benson’s office

·                     Brother Satinder has been focusing on networking with the PSAC EOCand is also building an e-mail tree; as already indicated by Brother Chada letter was also to go out


Election of Officers:


A discussion ensued related to who in attendance was entitled to run for office and cast a ballot during the election of officers.  There were concerns raised that there were no indications who was entitled to vote.  The PSAC Constitution was reviewed and it was confirmed – 2 for every 200 per local and each RWC and HR committee also had a vote.   There were also concerns raised in relation to the role of the PRC reps present – and whether they could come as local reps.  The past practice of this body was not to require a formal indication of who was the representative, as it was usually considered to be all inclusive.  The issue at hand was that Local 40064 had 4 members at the meeting.  Local 40064 noted that of the 4 members all were active and hold or held positions on the other committees.  It was agreed that 2 of the individuals would be allowed to vote from the HR Committee and RWC and the other 2 from their local.  The incoming Area Council Chair would resolve this issue during the new mandate.  Sister Lisa proceeded with the elections.




Melissa                (accepted)                                         m/s                        Connie/Chad

Connie (declined)                                           m/s                        Mark/Chad

Tanya(accepted and elected)                    m/s                        Satinder/Bryan

Janette (declined)                                          m/s                        Satinder/Steve




Dan(accepted by acclamation)                 m/s                        Connie/Steve

Chad(declined)                                                               m/s                        Satinder/Bryan

Janette (declined)                                          m/s                        Tanya/Suzanne




Connie (declined)                                           m/s                        Steve/Bryan

Steve (declined)                                                              m/s                        Connie/Tanya

Suzanne (declined)                                        m/s                        Satinder/Janette

Janette (declined)                                          m/s                        Bryan/Melissa




Mark(accepted by acclamation)               m/s                        Tanya/Melissa

Melissa (declined)                                          m/s                        Connie/Satinder

Janette (declined)                                          m/s                        Bryan/Steve




Melissa(accepted by acclamation)         m/s                        Connie/Steve


Motion to destroy the ballots


M/S                        Chad/Tanya                                                        Carried


Sister Lisa administered the oath of office to the newly elected officers.  Sister Tanya assumed the chair.


Payment of Expenses:


Motion to pay $86.57 toward the cost of Brother Ed’s retirement gift (jacket)


M/S                        Donna/Steve                                                     Carried



Motion to pay invoice from Sioux Chef in the amount of $283.50 for appetizers for Ed’s retirement party


M/S                        Donna/Bryan                                                     Carried


Motion to reimburse Sister Connie in the amount of $44.91 for beverages for Ed’s retirement party


M/S                        Satinder/Chad                                                  Carried



Members of the Area Council expressed their thanks to Brother Shaun for his past service as President.


Sister Tanya adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

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