Regina HRC Mtg Minutes (Dec 10 2009)

South SK Human Rights Committee

Meeting Minutes

December 10, 2009


Present:               Marlene Hoce, Chair                                                      Bryan Thompson, Vice-Chair

                                Melissa Brandt, Treasurer                                            Lisa Garnier, PSAC Regional Rep

                                Janette Husak, Local 40064


Sister Marlene called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m.




Attendees reviewed the agenda as distributed by Sister Marlene.


Motion to adopt the agenda as amended.


M/S                        Brother Bryan/Sister Melissa                                                                     Carried


Previous Meeting Minutes:


Adoption of the June meeting minutes.


M/S                        Sister Melissa/Brother Bryan                                                                     Carried


There was a brief discussion concerning the status of the May meeting minutes.  Sister Melissa had prepared minutes for the May 20, 2009 meeting up to the point she departed and forwarded the electronic file to Sister Hoce who had agreed to complete the minutes using her notes.  Neither Sister Hoce nor Brother Bryan had notes from the remaining portion of the May meeting.  Sister Melissa agreed to contact Sister Gress who was also at the meeting to obtain assistance in finalizing the minutes.





Sister Melissa reported the closing bank balance, as of October 31, 2009 was $3,808.47.


Adoption of the treasurer’s report.


M/S                        Sister Melissa/Brother Bryan                                                                     Carried


Botswana Orphanage Project:


Brother Bryan reported the University of Regina students were in Botswana in July.  Several videos taken during the time they were there have been uploaded to YouTube.  Brother Bryan will forward links to the committee along with a magazine article which was published.


Work on the project is ongoing.  The $200.00 contributed by the committee was put toward the purchase of a clay compactor which is used to produce bricks for constructing buildings.


Sister Janette Husak arrived to the meeting.




Sister Marlene informed the committee she had submitted a letter of resignation to Sister Robyn Benson, REVP – Prairies.  Her resignation as committee chair will be effective upon adjournment.


SFL Human Rights Conference:


The SFL Equity Conference will be held at the Radisson in Saskatoon on February 11 & 12.  The theme is ‘Human Rights – Making the Link’.  Earlybird registration deadline is January 12.  After some discussion it was decided to forward the information to locals with the indication the committee will cover the earlybird registration fee for one delegate.  To be considered locals must submit names by January 6.  Sister Melissa noted it would be necessary to develop criteria to use in determining which local payment of the earlybird registration fee would go to.


Human Rights Projects/Committee Work:


Sister Marlene expressed her good wishes for the committee as they pursue their mandate.  She noted she had spoken with Sister Robyn concerning the committee’s vision for a Day of Diversity (mini-mosaic) and that Sister Robyn was supportive of the concept.  Sister Marlene also noted the committee should focus on recognizing/promoting national days of recognition such as National Aboriginal Day, the International Day of Elimination of Racism and International Human Rights Day.


Next meeting:  January 11/10; the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

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