Meeting Minutes
December 1, 2010
Present: Bryan Thompson, Chair Melissa Brandt, Treasurer
Satindar Bains, Prairie Region RV Rep Steve Van Opstal, Local 40229
Janette Husak, Local 40064 Lisa Garnier, Regional Representative
Brother Bryan called the meeting to order at 6:20 p.m. It was noted that today is World Aids Day; a statement was released by the SFL earlier today.
Sister Janette brought a DVD entitled Muffins for Granny. The DVD is a documentary about Indian Residential Schools. As the DVD was quite long it was agreed to play it while the meeting took place.
Agenda and Previous Meeting Minutes:
Attendees reviewed the agenda prepared by Sister Husak. The following topics: Racially Visible Conference, Bill C-160, Prairie Region Convention and letter from Rainbow Wellness Resource Centre were added to the agenda. The minutes of the October 2010 meeting were reviewed; no revisions.
Sister Melissa reported the closing bank balance as of October 31, 2010 is $4,270.01. Brother Satindar asked what expenditures the committee has made this year. Sister Melissa advised $14.16 and $63.50 was spent for meals during meetings. She also reported that $50.00 has been approved for donation to the Unions of Regina Christmas Dinner but has not yet been paid as the callout has not yet been received.
Adoption of the report as presented: M/S Sister Janette/Brother Satindar Carried
Social Justice Projects:
Remembrance Day
It was agreed the Committee would split the cost of a wreath with the RWC. The wreath was to be ordered by the RWC; however no order was placed.
Racially Visible Conference
The Conference is to take place April 1-3, 2011 in Vancouver. Deadline for registration is December 17. Brother Satindar reported he is using his contact list to contact members directly and encourage them to apply. Sister Melissa recommended Brother Bryan forward a message to locals on behalf of the committee also reminding them about the Conference.
Bill C-160
The Government of Saskatchewan has introduced legislation which is intended to abolish the Saskatchewan Human Rights Tribunal. The legislation (Bill C-160) was introduced without any form of prior consultation. After some discussion it was agreed the committee would consider inviting a speaker and/or look for opportunities to participate in rally/protest events.
Prairie Region Convention
It was noted the committee must elect a delegate no later than January 25 as credentials are due to Sister Benson’s office by January 26.
Upcoming Events
International Human Rights Day is December 10. Amnesty International is hosting a letter writing event from 7 to 10 at Cathedral Neighbourhood Centre. The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women is December 6. A vigil will be held at the U of R in the Riddell Centre Crush Space from 11:45 to 1:00.
Requests for Support
Brother Bryan provided a note from Dan Welsh (former PSAC member) indicating the North Central Family Centre is establishing a Family Literacy Program at the end of March 2011. The Centre is asking for a donation in the amount of $200.00 for the purchase of books and supplies. It was agreed Brother Bryan would invite Brother Welsh to the committee’s next meeting.
A letter announcing establishment of the Rainbow Wellness Resource Centre was also reviewed. The letter is seeking letters of support from organizations for establishment of the Resource Centre. It was agreed Sister Melissa would invite a speaker to the committee’s next meeting.
Future Projects
· Brother Alex not in attendance, no update available.
· Brother Bryan has not yet started work on the slide show.
· Sister Melissa explained there were only two people present at the last RWC meeting; therefore, the RWC was not in a position to make a decision on a joint event/project.
· Sister Garnier recommended the three committees meet together early in 2011 to select one or two joint projects they could work on over the course of the year. After some discussion, February 9 was tentatively selected for the meeting and Brother Bryan agreed to contact the chairs of the Area Council and RWC about the meeting.
Next meetings: January 19 (at 6:00 p.m.); April 20 (AGM); June 1 and October 12
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.