Regina RWC Mtg Minutes (Nov 3 2010)

Regina Regional Women’s Committee

Meeting Minutes

November 3, 2010


In Attendance:                  Connie Gress, Chair                        Melissa Brandt, L40064



The meeting was called to order at 6:35 Sister Gress.

A review of the September 15 meeting minutes was completed.

A donation in the amount of $100.00 has been made for the Unions of Regina Christmas dinner.

There was no participation in the Sisters-in-Spirit event as the notice and event details were not received in a timely fashion.



The current bank balance is $2,985.48; payment of the wreath for Remembrance Day is outstanding.




·                     Divide the locals up among committee members.  Have each member call the local (during the second week of January) and invite them to a tour of the Regina Food Bank Global Village (during either the third or fourth week of January).  Following the tour the group would go out for a late supper.  Perhaps by reaching out and making a personal attempt to engage locals we could garner more participation.

·                     Sister Melissa outlined the December project proposed by the Human Rights Committee.  There were an insufficient number of committee members in attendance to enable the Committee to commit to the project.  Sister Gress recommends initiating discussion on a joint project between the committee in February.

·                     Tools for Schools has been very successful for the Winnipeg RWC who have partnered with the Blue Bombers.  Strong interest has been expressed in the past about generating a similar project in Saskatchewan.  We should consider drawing in the committees located in Prince Albertand Saskatoonas that may result in obtaining support from the Riders.

·                     Sister Connie will prepare a message for locals related to December 6 and circulate the draft to the other committee member for comment before it is sent to locals.




The Regina Sexual Assualt Centre sent a letter asking for a donation.  Table until the next meeting.



The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

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