Westman AC Mtg Minutes (Oct 6 2010)

Westman Area Council
06 Oct 2010
5:00 PM
Double Decker Restaurant

Meeting called by: Glen Johnston
Type of meeting: General Meeting
Note taker: Roy R Clark
Attendees: Jeff Sexton, Roy Clark, Susan Norman, Randy Walker, Holly Serle and Glen Johnston.

The meeting was called to order at 5:05 PM by Glen. 

            Glen welcomed all in attendance.

            The Agenda for the meeting was read.

Previous Minutes
            Previous meetings minutes were read and some name required spelling corrections.  Susan made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected, Holly seconded this.  Motion carried.

Light Meal
            Susan made a motion to pay for a light meal for those present, Randy seconded this.  Motion carried.

            The venue for the next PRC has been changed to Winnipeg.  Date is still June 2011.
Host committee is still looking for members.  Contact Tracy Thor if you are interested. Convention call for resolutions will be coming soon.  Support with or from other components and groups can help to pass resolutions. Changes are going to be made as to the number of delegates for this event.

Collective Bargaining
            There was a recent Globe and Mail article in regards to the current talks.  The majority of the comments on the Globe & Mail website were positive and in support of public service employees.
There was discussion around the table in regards to the current Treasury Board agreement.
It was noted that the scheduled Bargaining courses are still going ahead.
The severance pay changes are not popular with many component members. Many want to hear from the bargaining team(s) to hear the details and decision making process fro this agreement.

Committees and Social Justice
            Women’s and Human Rights are the two committees at present.
Loretta is still interested in the Human Rights committee and needs others.
We have 2500.00 banked for an anti-poverty campaign.  We require ideas and suggestions on what we can do for this. Looking for ideas from members in regards to social justice issues.

            Training is geared towards learning the collective bargaining process and looking towards bargaining team members.
Workers Compensation & Advocacy – Will be in Winnipeg. There is interest in the Brandon area, although we need to involve the Brandon Labour Council.
PSAC training needs 8 members for locally held courses.  Glen encourages those present to check with their component member to see if there is a need for local training and an ability to meet these numbers.

Women’s Committee
            Women in Leadership Dinner:  Speaker Dr. Elaine Silverman.  This will be a luncheon on the 21 Oct.
Gloria Steinem will be speaking on the 18th of Oct.
MFL Women’s Conference will be in Winnipeg 18-20 Nov.
Red Dress Campaign.  Jamie Black is running this and she needs to collect 500 red dresses for the missing and murdered aboriginal women in Canada.  137 of these are from Manitoba.  Susan encouraged members to check and see if they could help.
There is a $100.00 registration fee to attend the Women’s Conference (10-12 Sep).  Susan made a motion that this fee be covered by the council, which was seconded by Randy.  The motion carried.  The President requested that she have a report for the next meeting.

            We need to make changes 30 days before the next AGM.  The AGMis in Feb 2011.

Discussion Points
            Jeff made a motion to pay Susan $50.00 to reimburse travel costs for the last meeting.  Holly seconded this and the motion was carried.
Lobbying MPs – What are the issues?
Brandon Labour Council – Members are invited to attend their meetings.
The President would like to see local officer signatures on membership cards.
Next meeting – The President will check with Robyn to see if she can talk about Grievance handling.

            Randy made a motion to adjourn at 6:25 PM, which was seconded by Holly.  The motion was carried.

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