WestMan AC Mtg Minutes (Sept 27 2011)

WestMan Area Council

27 Sept 2011 - 5:30 PM

Riding Mountain National Park

Meeting called by:  Glen Johnston

Type of meeting:  General Meeting


Note taker:  Tracy Thor, PSAC


Attendees:  Susan Norman, Glen Johnston, Randy Walker, Jeff Sexton, Holly Serle, Robyn Benson REVP, Tracy Thor PSAC

The meeting was called to order at 5:55 PM by Glen.

            Martin Kaminski, Trudy Taylor, Roy Clark 

            Glen thanked everyone for attending.

Harassment Statement
            Holly Serle read out the PSAC Statement on Harassment.

Previous Minutes
            April 13, 2011. Motion to accept: Randy Walker, Seconded: Holly Serle, Carried

Agreed to discuss the New Business item – United Way Christmas Tree Auction as Susan was on the phone and could only stay for the first half of the meeting.

Business arising from Correspondence
            Susan explained that the there is an opportunity for the WMAC to participate in decorating a tree that is later auctioned off but that the tree goes to a family in the community to keep. We could decorate with PSAC items and need to apply to be one of the participants as space is limited. The cost is $125 to register, then purchase and decorate the tree and buy items for the family that the tree will be going to. Robyn advised that they could look at cost sharing out of the REVP’s office. Susan will look into and confirm the date. Susan made a Motion for the Westman AC to participate in the Christmas Tree Auction, Seconded by Glen, Carried.

Robyn advised that all Locals should have received the Petition to Tony Clement asking for the support of member and the public to stop the federal governments plan to cut million out of the budget by eliminating public services and jobs. All local were mailed and emailed, some locals did not receive in the Brandonarea and Tracy will follow up.

Election of WAC Delegate to PSAC Triennial Convention
            The Convention is being held April 29th to May 3rd, 2011. After some discussion about the role of the delegate at Convention, the elections were held.
Delegate – Glen Johnston was nominated by Holly and seconded by Randy. Acclaimed.
Alternate Delegate – Jeff Sexton was nominated by Randy and seconded by Holly, Acclaimed.

Resolutions to PSAC Convention
            Letter from Robyn was sent out as a reminder as Resolutions are required to be submitted by Fri Oct 28th.
Some discussion took place around the Prairie Region Convention resolutions on forming a Youth Committee and may be submitted through various bodies. There may need to be a special meeting called to pass resolutions that may be submitted through the WMAC.

Guest Speaker –Robyn Benson, Prairies REVP
            Robyn spoke about the campaigns and the activities that are coming up in the Region. There will be Prairies on Patrol Leadership Meeting (POPLM) on Oct 28, 2011that every Local was invited to attend. There will be a leadership role taken by the Prairie Region Council members in attendance. The Committees were not given a special invitation to this meeting as it is the locals and the PRC that are taking the lead in the Fight back. The POPLM will have an overview of Workforce Adjustment for Treasury Board, Agencies and Separate Employers. We could possibly have a guest speaker that focuses on the importance of setting up Local Workforce Adjustment Committees. There will be a focus on Campaigns such as the Petition to Tony Clement and the postcards to Canadian Federation of Independent Business President, Catherine Swift. She is attacking the workers themselves and the “gold plated pensions” and calling for a reduction in the Federal Public Service. Lobbying effectiveness will be addressed and maybe even an MP to talk about the impact that lobbying does have on the decisions that they make. The last part of the day will focus on setting up meetings following the POPLM for the Steward Assemblies and see how the Locals think that stewards can best get involved in the fight back.

President’s Report 
            Not a lot to report but that at last meeting the WMAC had a presentation from Habitat for Humanity that was very well received and Susan is looking to set up some partnership with the Brandon Wheat Kings for the School Supply Drive. We could possibly donate funds to their campaign and assist with collecting and get the PSAC WMAC name out in the community.

Treasurer Report
            Jeff advised that there is approx $3900 in the account minus the meal for this meeting and the cost of the delegate to the PSAC Regional Convention. Approx $600 so we are looking at approx $3200 funds available.
The report was moved by Jeff, Seconded by Holly. Carried

Committee Reports
            No current committees struck

New Business
            The Westman Area has a Regional Women’s Committee that is required to have its first meeting, set up an exec and start to meet. There may be a will to meet prior to the WMAC meetings to start to build the membership.

Convention Report will have to wait until next meeting as Roy is not in attendance. 

Bullying in the Workplace course could be hosted by the WMAC and held as a 2 hour session in the evening or on the weekend with a 4 hr module.  Education may be a good way of introducing members to the Westman AC outside of a meeting format.

Next Meeting
            The next meeting was not scheduled.

            Randy made a motion that the meeting be adjourned.  Holly Seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm by Glen. 

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