Winnipeg AC Mtg Minutes (Sep 8 2011)

Winnipeg Area Council

General Meeting Minutes
Thursday, September 8, 2011
5:15 pm at Regional Office

Gloria Kelly Dawn MacAulay
Darlene McClure
Heather Miller
Christine Dmyterko
Gus Mardli
Sam Barlin
Matt Tijani
Tracy Thor, PSAC Staff
Jeffrey Vallis, PSAC Staff

Cathy Moar

Called to order at 5:30 p.m. and roundtable introductions

PSAC Statement on Harassment agreed upon

Adoption of Agenda agreed upon

Addition to #7, Sam had sent in a resolution

Adoption of Minutes – Wednesday June 15, 2011
Moved by Darlene, seconded by Matt, so moved

Financial Report by Tracy on behalf of Darlene - attached
it is up-to-date and balances to bank statement – moved by Dawn to accept, seconded by Heather, so moved
motion to set aside $477.29 for dental hygiene products to add to toiletries at Christmas time – moved by Gus, seconded by Dawn, so moved

2011 Provincial Election Planning
Jeffrey gave a synopsis of how a telephone town hall meeting works (similar to the one done for the federal election)
it reaches a lot of people
there is low man-power required
we need some sample question to get the ball rolling (i.e. work/life balance)
who do you want to hear from?
A general / varied discussion ensued (Jeffrey taking notes)
Why keep throwing money at reducing crime when they haven’t discovered the root cause of the problem. Put funds to the root cause then the crimes won’t be as bad
Jeffrey then went on to the Prairie Newsletter and what could be put into in and then be sent out electronically
Discussion on targeting ridings
Need to have the information in the mail by Monday the 19th, plan on doing the stuffing next week Wednesday and / or Thursday

Resolution submission to the 2012 PSAC Convention, deadline is October 28, 2011
If you have any problems / issues with these, let Tracy or Gloria know
If you have more to bring forward, let Tracy or Gloria know as well
Sam gave a bit of a background on the resolution that he will be bringing forward

Next Meeting – October 19, 2011

Roundtable, then adjourned at 6:50

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