Nancy Johnson PRC Report (Oct. 2013)

Nancy Johnson
Prairie Region Council October 2013

Regional women’s conference was held in May at the Banff Centre and it was well attended by 1 st time delegates.

My conference report was submitted to the REVP and can be found on the prairies website along with photos that were taken at the event. I want to thank the RWC chairs from Edmonton, Regina, Winnipeg, Calgary, Brandon and Saskatoon for all of your hard work on the steering committee and your many volunteer hours.

As your Prairies Women rep, I am sitting on the steering committee for the National Human Rights Conference that will be held in Toronto from November 18-22. We have had four conference calls and continue to work with Andree Cote, PSAC National Women’s Program officer and Jeannie Baldwin, REVP assigned to Women’s Program. Marianne and I held a conference call to review all the applications submitted from the prairies region. All delegates were notified in early September of the application status. The theme is “Telling our Stories” and plans to be a strategic planning and hands on event. We will be having a conference call shortly to discuss resolutions. I look forward to meeting members from across the country to discuss the issues facing our sisters in the workplace and in their communities.

  • Held conference calls with REVP and Calgary RWC chair regarding concerns of the role of the Regional staff and committee chair. As issues were unresolved, all committee members resigned in June and the committee remains inactive.
  • Have begun to actively recruit members. REVP was to meet with Regional coordinator and discuss expectations and roles of regional staff with committees and a formal plan will be provided to the PRC.
  • Attended monthly PRC conference call meetings
  • Attended the WAAA campaign training in Saskatoon
  • Participated in Edmonton and Calgary RWC meetings via teleconference
  • Attended Saskatoon RWC meetings
  • Volunteered at the Calgary Homeless Shelter and served over 1200 dinners. The next morning, REVP Marianne Hladun, Karen Zoller and I drove to High River where we volunteered at a seniors residence in the clean up efforts. Both events were very rewarding and I would encourage everyone to get involved in their community. Photos are posted on the prairies website.
  • Participated in the Saskatoon Summer Snack Program as a volunteer
  • Volunteered at the SFL kids summer camp as a counselor
  • Participated in the Saskatoon Take Back the Night walk

Work of the RWC’s:

Regina women’s committee is holding a oneday workshop in Moose Jaw in October, the same weekend as PRC meetings so am unable to attend.

Winnipeg committee held a successful, Tools for School drive.

Saskatoon RWC participated in the local food bank community garden and it was a huge success. Carrots, beets, beans, onions, corn and tomatoes have all been harvested and plans are under way for next years garden. Members plan to attend Sisters in Spirit vigils in Saskatoon.

I am working with the alternate REVP, Debbie Ferguson to provide assistance to the Edmonton RWC on the roles and responsibility of the committee. As well offering assistance to Brandon RWC.

The newly formed Lethbridge RWC is active and working relentlessly on community events, Idle No More, flood relief… What a great asset to our prairies team.

I will be attending the Sisters in Spirits vigil in Regina.

I look forward to the next 8 months leading up to convention.

In solidarity,

Sister Nancy Johnson

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