Nina Kiviluoma PRC Report (Oct. 2012)

Nina Kiviluoma, Edmonton Area Council Representative
Report to the Prairie Region Council
October 2012

Brothers and Sisters,

Since my last report the following is what the Edmonton Area Council has been focusing on:

  • Federal Election Phone Bank was completed and very successful
  • Cupcake Affair: During National Public Service Week over 2200 cupcakes were delivered to members in Canada Place and locals within the Edmonton Area. UTE provided coffee to the members in Canada Place.
  • The EAC bought 60 park admissions to the AFL 100 th Anniversary in June and gave them to members in packs of four so they may take their friends and families to the festivities.
  • AFL 100th Anniversary at Fort Edmonton Park the EAC set up a table and had over 100 signatures on letters to Ministers giving them there affected notice and handed out our summer campaign materials.
  • Volunteered at the Edmonton District Labour Councils Labour Day BBQ on September 3rd .
  • Assisted in the organization and also participated in the PSAC Family Day of Action on September 15, 2012

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

In Solidarity,

Nina Kiviluoma
EAC Representative to the PRC

Our Organization: