Public Service Alliance of Canada
Regional Women’s Committee
General Meeting
November 23rd, 2017 PSAC Edmonton RO
In attendance:
Patty Jessome, Chair
Charmaine Nelson, Treasurer
Deborah Basaraba, Member
Kim Cardinal, Treasurer
Nina Babcook, A/Regional PSAC Rep
1. Welcome to all / Call to Order – Patty Jessome called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.
2. Harassment statement read by Deb Basaraba
3. This Agenda - Adoption: Agenda approved by consensus.
4. Adoption of Oct. Meeting Minutes: Minutes were not available – Carried over to next meeting.
5. Finance Review Presented by Charmaine:

6. Follow up on previous business:
6.1 Grocery cards
Patty called Superstore Kingsway Manager (Antonio) about the grocery cards for our “Food for Women” Campaign. She is still waiting for a response. Our grocery cards will be distributed to SAGE and Alberta Association of Women’s Shelters.
6.2 Remembrance Day Wreath
Remembrance Day Wreath presentation on behalf of RWC was presented by Deb and Charmaine at the Edmonton Butterdome Ceremony.
6.3 Tickets to AFL Commemorative Brunch
Marianne Hladun approved six tickets to AFL Commemorative Brunch in association with Dec 6th Commemorative Brunch for the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. Marianne sent us funds to cover the cost of six tickets. The executive will attend, as well as members Deb Basaraba and Colette Lee.
6.4 One Hundred Dollar Honorarium
Marie Renaud graciously sent back the $100 honorarium we presented to her for speaking at our Universal Childcare Seminar and she requested that we donate the funds to a women’s cause. Let it be noted that her cheque will be voided and the $100 will be donated to Women For Rights and Empowerment (The grassroots women’s group that hosts the Take Back The Night Rally) All agreed via consensus.
6.5 Nakota Sioux Nation Donation
A donation of $400 was mailed to Nakota Sioux Nation. Response was one of gratitude and thanks as the school is in dire need of pencils. They can purchase what they see fit for the students.
7. New business:
7.1 Food for Women: Cheque written for $2150 for the Food for Women Campaign. Patty will contact Superstore and purchase cards for distribution. Update! I did a little research and discovered that Sobeys/Safeway has a better deal on bulk cards. As well, due to the recent issue at Superstore I feel it’s the right thing to do. I have sent the request in to Sobeys and am waiting for the go ahead. This will mean changing the getting a certified cheque at the bank which I hope to have done by Friday to get it sent to Sobeys. We will get two extra grocery cards with the discount: one for $40 and one for $46.
7.2 AFL Commemorative Brunch: UNIFOR 52A and the RWC collaboration was unfortunately canceled due to an illness and death in the family. Six RWC women will attend the Commemorative Brunch. Marianne supplied a door prize.
7.3 Day of Action 2018: We are working on the idea of collaborating regionally with other PSAC Women’s Committees. Nina spoke to Morna who stated it is great to get the conversation started about Quality Affordable Childcare. She suggested the use of the database on for information gathering, and having as many people as possible sign up on the website. There is a possibility of doing a nation-wide webinar to discuss a day(s) of action across Canada in 2018. If a national day of action is not possible, then a regional day of action would be another option. Nov 20, 2018 is International Children’s Day and a good an option for a day of action.
7.4 GC Connect – What’s Your Story? To be tabled to next meeting.
7.5 AGM: December 14, 2017 all regional committees will hold their Annual General Meeting and elections as follows:
RWC: 5:30 to 6:15 p.m.
Human Rights: 6:15 to 7 p.m.
Area Council: 7 to 8 p.m.
7.6 2018 Budget: Patty suggested we get together and come up with a budget and plan for 2018 regarding RWC campaigns for Universal Childcare, Local Community campaigns, International Women’s Day, Remembrance Day and Dec 6th. She suggested we get together around mid January for a morning breakfast meeting on a weekend and discuss some options. How about Saturday, January 13 or the 20th? This would also be our monthly meeting.
8. Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Who | What | When |
Patty | Pay AFL and deliver door prize for commemorative Brunch | Done |
Nina | Reach out again to Ottawa on Webinar | |
Kim C | Get information on how GC Connect works | Next Meeting |
Our Organization: