Winnipeg Young Workers' Committee; Meeting Minutes - Jan 18, 2018

Winnipeg Young Workers Committee (YWC) Meeting Notes January 18 2018

Attendees: Brett Rainboth – UNE 50316 Winnipeg, Leandra Williams – AGR 50002 Winnipeg, Kristin Beauchamp – UVAE 50021  Winnipeg, Robyn Pardy – CEIU 40811 – Regina, Charito Humphreys – CEIU 40811 – Regina, Kaela Kowalke – CEIU 40811 – Regina, Glen Hollyoake – CIU 40031 – Regina


Mackenzie acknowledged that the meeting space in Winnipeg is located on Treaty 1 territory; traditional lands of the Asnishanaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples as well as the homeland of the Metis.


Mackenzie is currently an acting Senior Program Development Officer with Indigenous Programs in ESDC. She began her union work in March when she joined the Social Justice Fund's delegation to Guatemala to build international solidarity with workers there. She is currently the president of her local, Young Workers Representative for PSAC Prairies Region, Young Workers Chairperson for CEIU Manitoba Saskatchewan Region and PSAC's Young Worker Representative for the CLC Young Worker Committee.

Tina Matias-Bouchard is the PSAC staff rep in Manitoba who will be supporting the young workers committee.

Tina introduced everyone on the call. This list will be forwarded to Mackenzie.


This is the first young worker (YW) committee in the Prairies but it has been several years in the making. We are the last region to develop a YW committee but we are making up for lost time by starting both the Edmonton and Winnipeg committees this week.

Thanks to CEIU, CIU and DCL Deer Lodge Centre for providing letters of support to the PSAC so we could establish the committees.

Committee's Future Feel

The committee can be whatever we want it to be as long as we stay within PSAC's priorities. The committee can focus on education and/or political topics.

This will be a Winnipeg committee but everyone is welcome to join from southern Saskatchewan and in Manitoba outside of Winnipeg to see what a committee can do in their region. If other areas are interested in setting up a committee, please contact Mackenzie.


Each committee will start with $500 start up funds. This has been requested by the REVP for the Prairies at the last AEC meeting. The funds should be arriving shortly.

The Executive will need to submit a proposal to Mackenzie by March 15 so that the PRC/REVP Prairies can determine funding.

The Executive will also need to create Terms of Reference (ToR) that will be voted on for the next meeting. ToR outline how the committee wants to run itself.

Outreach Tools

Please like the Prairies YW Rep facebook page:

To get YW involved in the committee/promote the committee's work:

  • use social media (have the PSAC communications officer create the page so that someone in  the PSAC office will have admin rights. This is important for continuity in the committee)
  • utilize posters/postcards ( is a great free resource
  • Bring a friend to the meeting and be entered in to a draw for a gift card
  • mentoring opportunities (partner a YW with a more experienced worker)
  • Possible campaign ideas: 
    • CLC's pharmacare
    • domestic violence
  • invite YW from both unionized and non-unionized jobs to a social event and talk about why unions are relevant to them

Open Discussion

  • Leandra wasn’t sure if there was a yw network and is excited it’s getting off the ground.
  • Kristin spoke to the fact young workers have a unique issues such as childcare needs! For instance shift workers have a hard time finding licensed childcare on evenings and weekends. How can we get young families more involved? Precarious work is also an issue. How do you move forward in life when you don’t know if you have a job for any length of time?
  • Obstacles in the workplace: Sometimes young workers are nervous about getting involved with union because of precarious work, fear of the impact it will have on their career, etc.
  • It’s easy to take for granted what gains have been by the union in the past.
    • It was suggested that we develop an insert for the new member kits that speaks to union gains and young worker specific information.
  • We need to find new ways to communicate with young workers because there is newsletter/emails/paper fatique.
    • Use social media more wisely
    • National convention had graffiti like art
    • Alternative methods? Videos?
  • Perhaps we could develop a Talking Union Basics course geared towards young workers. We need to start promoting that childcare coverage is available and that there is an education allowance. It should be explained that you can take your kids to meetings.
  • Promoting family friendly events such as Pride, Santa Claus Parade, Labour Day event, etc.

YW Conference

Steering committee was chosen based on who the YW rep and alternate were as well as ensuring we had one person from each province who is active in the union. In the future it's hoped that the committees will select someone to be on the steering committee. 

Resolutions can't be put forward at this conference but perhaps this is something to look forward to having at the next conference. Resolutions would be for the Prairies Convention in 2020 not bargaining.

Workshop ideas were:

  • what your first week in public service is like
  • slideshow with social media contacts


There were not enough people/components in Winnipeg to hold elections. When elections are held there will be one vote per local. Everyone is encouraged to participate though because it helps us determine if we have enough interest to form additional committees.

The committee is required to meet 4x per year, but most committees meet more frequently.

Next Meeting

  • recruit, recruit, recruit!
  • elections
  • determine committee priorities


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