Winnipeg Young Workers’ Committee (YWC) Minutes February 12 2018 - 5:15 p.m.
- Mackenzie Campbell CEIU 50770 (Winnipeg)
- Sara Budowski UNE 50235 (Winnipeg)
- Victoria Gilby Agriculture Union Local 55 (Brandon)
- Kristin Beauchamp UVAE 50021 (Winnipeg)
- Megan Dunthie UNDE 50770 (Winnipeg)
- Leandra Williams Agriculture Union 50002 (Winnipeg)
- Brett Rainboth UNE 50316 (Winnipeg)
- Rita Gordon UNE 50040 (Winnipeg)
- Glen Hollyoake CIU 40031 (Regina)
- Regrets: Alex Samuel CEIU 50772 (Winnipeg)
- Recap from the last meeting
- Develop one page handout/flyer to add to the new member kits geared towards young workers
- Past union gains
- Contact information, including social media links, for young worker rep and committees
- Follow up action: To be developed this year
- Cost?: Nothing to YWC as the cost would be part of the new member handbook budget line for the Prairies
- Recruitment
- Having members self-identify at events (sign in sheet with email address)
- Promoting Prairies Young Worker facebook page (@PSACPrairiesYWRep)
- Encouraging components to share their young worker information
- Follow up action: All attendees should forward the name(s) of any young worker reps in their offices and/or components to Mackenzie. If you have a national or regional component officer you think might be able to share this information with us, you can also pass this on to Mackenzie
- Family BBQ
- Afternoon of May 26, rain date?
- Kristin’s component held one for 150 people. It cost $2000 and that included: cotton candy, popcorn machine/supplies, face paint, candy scramble for kids, BBQ rentals, burger and hotdog supplies (including gluten free), and a bouncy castle.
- Rita also has experience in planning this type of event.
- Megan provided the following link for Assiniboine Park’s contact information:
- Follow up action: Leandra and Kristin will work together to crunch numbers. The committee needs to submit their financial priorities/plans to the Prairie Regional Council (PRC) by March 15.
- National Childcare Strategy
- September (possibly September 20/21)
- Follow up action: Clint/Tina to notify the committee where the Directly Chartered Local conference will be. If it’s in Winnipeg we may want to plan it around the conference which is scheduled September 20/21 weekend
- Ideas:
- rally where people dress up in different professional outfits and carry dolls as a symbol of workers having to think about childcare at work
- inviting Women’s Committee, Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL), and other unions to join us
- Follow up action: Rita to bring this forward to Women’s Committee
- poster campaign
Communication Strategy
- Prairies Young Worker facebook page (@PSACPrairiesYWRep)
- Concern that Facebook isn’t really used for this purpose anymore. More and more people are turning to Instagram, Twitter and Snap Chat
- Follow up action: Mackenzie to create a PSAC Prairies YW Rep Instagram account. Depending on followers, this may need to be split off into each committee having their own (this is completely possible)
- Follow up action: Everyone is to think of hashtags that we could use for the next meeting
By consensus the following executive positions were determined:
Co-Chairs: Alexander Samuel and Leandra Williams
Treasurer: Rita Gordon
Secretary: TBD at the next meeting
Next Meeting
- The co-chairs will determine a date and communicate broadly.
- Terms of Reference will need to be developed. Follow up action: Mackenzie will share the draft of the young workers committee setup guide.
- Further develop our three priorities for the year.
Meeting adjourned at: 6:30pm
Minutes recorded by Mackenzie Campbell.
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