Winnipeg Young Workers Committee Meeting Minutes March 12 2018 – 5:15 pm
Attendees: Alex Samuel, Rita Gordon, Leandra Williams, Nathan Berry, Krystyna Titzer, Alicia Allan,
PSAC Staff Representative Tina Matias-Bouchard
- Call to order:
Co-chair Alex Samuel called the meeting to order at 5:20 pm.
- Introductions:
Everyone introduced themselves and their local.
- Statement of Harassment:
The Statement on Harassment was read by Co-Chair Alex Samuel. The anti-harassment officer for the meeting was identified as Tina.
- Adoption of Agenda:
Moved by Rita Gordon, Seconded by Mackenzie Campbell. CARRIED.
- Review and approval of minutes from February 12 2018 meeting:
Moved by Rita Gordon, Seconded by Mackenzie Campbell. CARRIED.
- Election of Secretary and Oath of Office for all Executive:
The chair of the meeting was passed to Tina Matias-Bouchard. The duties of the role were explained as follows:- Take minutes at each of the committee’s meetings (8 per year)
- Provide the PSAC Staff Representative with the agenda and meeting call out two weeks in advance of the meeting date
- Work with the PSAC Prairies Representative and Winnipeg Young Workers Committee to share the Committee’s communications on all social media platforms
- Hold signing authority for the Committee.
As no nominations were received for the position of Secretary, it was decided to postpone the election until the next meeting.
The Oath of Office for Rita Gordon, Treasurer, was conducted previously by PSAC Staff Member Tracy Thor on February 25 2018.
The Oath of Office was conducted for Co-Chairs Alex Samuel and Leandra Williams at this point by Tina Matias-Bouchard.
- Review and Approval of Draft Budget:
Treasurer Rita Gordon reviewed the budget with the Committee line by line. Amendments were made to include the $100.00 in vendor and park fees for the BBQ and $50.00 added for bank cheques. Tina Matias-Bouchard advised that a rationale would be required for the BBQ and member engagement draws. She also advised the $500.00 start up funds the Committee has already received should be reflected in the budget.
Budget was moved by Nathan Berry, Seconded by Krystyna Titzer. CARRIED
- Previous Business:
- Develop 1-page handout to add to the new member kits geared towards young workers
FOLLOW UP: It was decided that this would be tabled for a future agenda item.
- Recruitment is an ongoing effort.
FOLLOW UP: All attendees should forward the name(s) of any young worker reps in their offices and/or components to Mackenzie Campbell. If you have a national or regional component officer you think might be able to share this information with us, you can also pass this on to Mackenzie Campbell.
FOLLOW UP: Like, Follow and Share @PSACPrairiesYWRep on Facebook and Instagram.
- Family BBQ Event
FOLLOW UP: This event will be planned at the April and May meetings.
- National Childcare Strategy
A rally is planned for September 8 2018 at the legislative building. The date coincides with ManyFest. As ManyFest is held on Broadway between Donald and Osborne, there will be a lot of people in the area and it is hoped that holding the rally on this day will attract more attention.
Rita Gordon has approached the Women’s Committee about the rally and they are interested in helping out.
- Communication Strategy
The Instagram account has been created. You can follow it @PSACPrairiesYWRep
FOLLOW UP: Please send any items you would like posted on social media to Mackenzie Campbell via email, text or direct message on either social media page.
- Develop 1-page handout to add to the new member kits geared towards young workers
- New Business
- Rita Gordon advised that she will be attending a workshop on March 22 2018 regarding violence and harassment in the workplace. She will share her experience at the next meeting.
- Rita Gordon shared her report titled “Beyond Borders: ECPAT Canada – Child Sex Tourism and Trafficking.”
FOLLOW UP: The report will be shared with Mackenzie Campbell and PSAC Prairies Communications Officer Thomas Linner so that it can be shared on PSAC’s website and the social media pages.
- Leandra Williams shared her experience at the Manitoba Federation of Labour’s Youth Summit. She will be providing a report shortly. For now, she advised that the presentations were engaging, and that the summit touched on developing ideas on member engagement. It was interesting to hear about the struggles in different workplaces and in different unions, such as sexism and seniority vs scheduling.
FOLLOW UP: The report will be shared with Mackenzie Campbell and PSAC Prairies Communications Officer Thomas Linner so that it can be shared on PSAC’s website and the social media pages.
- Krystyna Titzer suggested that a future member engagement activity could be a board game night at Across the Board.
- Krystyna Titzer spoke to her support for developing a 1-page insert for young (and new!) workers and how we need to continue to mentor young workers after we age out of the young worker category.
- Nathan Berry asked how the different specialized committees interacted. It was explained that whenever there was intersectionality on a topic that we would network with the other committees and ask if they would like to support us and vice versa. We are already doing that with the Women’s Committee in regards to our National Childcare Rally. Mackenzie Campbell is also working with the Indigenous and LGBTQ representatives for the Prairies to cross promote items that interest members identifying to those categories.
- Alicia advised that she is interested in all the ideas shared today and is excited about getting a Regina Young Workers Committee up and running.
- Alex Samuel advised he had obtained a quote from The Real Escape for a member engagement event. When a previous event like this was held at Alex Samuel’s workplace it helped engage members and foster teambuilding. There are multiple themed rooms available and they range in price. The average price appears to be about $20.00 per person. Attendance would be capped as the escape room has a capacity, however, all members who attended and provided their contact information would be entered into the draw for the member engagement draw.
FOLLOW UP: The event would need to be planned for spring or fall as per the draft budget.
- Rita Gordon advised that she will be attending a workshop on March 22 2018 regarding violence and harassment in the workplace. She will share her experience at the next meeting.
- Future Meetings and Other Key Dates for 2018:
- April 9 2018 – 5:30 pm (meeting)
FOLLOW UP: Mackenzie Campbell to submit meeting call out poster to PSAC Staff Representative.
- May 14 2018 – 5:30 pm (meeting)
- May 26 2018 – Family BBQ
- June 3 2018 – Rain date for Family BBQ
- June 4 2018 – Presentation by PSAC Member Trish Wuttunnee entitled: Millennials: How do we employ, engage and enable?
- August 13 2018 – 5:30 pm (meeting)
- September 5 2018 – 5:30 pm (meeting)
- September 8 2018 – National Childcare Rally
- October 22 2018 – 5:30 pm (meeting)
- November 26 2018 – 5:30 pm (meeting)
- April 9 2018 – 5:30 pm (meeting)
- Adjournment:
Moved by Leandra Williams, Seconded by Rita Gordon. CARRIED.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.
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