2018 Pride Activities in the Prairies

Hello Members, Area Councils, Human Rights Committees and Women’s Committees. My name is Chris Little-Gagné and I am your elected GLBT Representative on the Prairie Region Council. 

May 17th is the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.  The 2018 campaign this year is “Still a crime in my country”, visit www.homophobie.org to get great information or print off posters to help share for diversity and inclusion at your workplace. (Digital information should be available soon.)

As we are currently entering the Pride season, below are the current events. Please let us know what PSAC committees and members are doing to show support. We would love to share photos of local pride events on the PSAC Prairies website. You can let Thomas Linner know at linnert@psac.com




I would like to remind everyone of the great PSAC campaigns (Child Care and Domestic Violence).  These campaigns do affect the LGBT+ community as well and there could be some great tie-ins and support from the community if approached. Please contact me if you are looking at gaining more information about the Positive Space initiative and how you can bring diversity and inclusion for LGBT+ members to your local/workplace.

In Solidarity,

Christopher Little-Gagné
GLBT Prairies Representative

Prairie Region Council

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