Regional Womens' Committee Minutes - April 3, 2018

WINNIPEG Regional Women’s Committee, PSAC – 175 Hargrave Street, April 3rd, 2018 MINUTES 5 :15 pm

Call to order: 5:25 PM

Attendance: Sheilagh Hanson, Serina Pottinger, Rita Gordon & Rachel d’Eschambault

No PSAC representative

  1. Call to Order: 5:25 p.m.
  2. Statement on Harassment: Rita read – adopted unanimously
  3. Approval of the Agenda: 1(Rita), 2(Serina)
  4. Review and approval of minutes from March 6th, 2018 meeting: 1(Rita), 2(Serina)
  5. Treasurer’s report: n/a – Loreilei absent. Tabled for next meeting
  6. Previous Business:

i. Upcoming events and training:

Young workers’ conference April 13-15. Rita will be attending. 

Prairie School for Union Women in June. Deadline is April 15th. Rachel and Rita have already applied for bursary

ii. $90.00 outstanding check from school supply drive for strikers:

Sheilagh confirmed that they stated they no longer need it and it will not be cashed

iii. Reimburse Marianne for sex trafficking workshop:

Now deposited into Rita’s account. We need an invoice from Marianne in order to submit a cheque. Sheilagh will contact her

iv. Rita’s signing authority: done

v. Women’s March:

Start planning in September

7. New business

i. Rita’s Report (Sheilagh to attach before sending to PSAC for site) – wonderful!

It included Childcare, Phoenix, Shoal lake. Lobbying Bill Blaikie. Bill 8-19 regarding public notices lobbying is upcoming for Rita

ii. Bargaining conference:

Feedback: Strategic voting system is disappointing and not an example of democracy. Larger components get a say, smaller ones do not. Voting Regionally feels like a waste of funds.

8. Round table:

Serina: Last meeting. I am no longer a PSAC member (we all cried). But I will still attend rallies. Also, went to the “Equal Voice”, and it was good. (Speaker Jackie and former Mayor of Richaud). It’s a non-partisan women’s political day.

Rachel: Fearless Women’s summit has strange topics and is not really suited for our Women’s committee. (We all agreed not to use funds towards this). Also, bi-election will be required at the next meeting if we are losing our treasurer.

Rita: Looking forward to the youth conference

Sheilagh: Little warriors presentation night should be added in new business to discuss at a later date . Also, should we host a “toastmasters” type of event? – to be discussed at the next meeting

9. Next meeting date confirmed, May 8, 2018

10. Adjournment -630 p.m.



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