Edmonton Regional Women's Committee: Meeting Minutes - March 6, 2018

Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)
Northern Alberta Regional Women’s Committee
General Meeting
March 6th, 2018 PSAC Edmonton RO
In attendance:  
Patty Jessome, Chair
Charmaine Nelson, Treasurer
Kim Cardinal, Co-Chair
Deb Basaraba, Member
PSAC Staff:
Nina Babcook, A/Regional PSAC Rep by phone
1. Welcome to all / Call to Order – Patty Jessome called the meeting to order 5:30 pm. 
2. Harassment statement read by Kim Cardinal.
3. This Agenda - Adoption: Agenda approved by consensus.
4. Adoption of Feb. 8th Meeting Minutes with changes. Approved by consensus. 
Change Dianna Ross to Aretha Franklin.
5. Finance Review Presented by Charmaine: Tabled to next meeting.
6. Follow up on previous business:
6.1 Team Building Day: We do not have a self defence instructor for our team-building day. Deb has a female friend she agreed to approach who is a martial arts instructor and will follow up with a cost. 
6.2 Domestic Violence Workshop: Deb Basaraba would like to see an informal session on Domestic Violence be provided as per the PSAC initiative. Robyn Benson rolling out Domestic Violence training in the workplace. Each component to provide training resources and contacts to assist members facing domestic violence. Nina will look into this and follow up at the next meeting. 
6.3 Pampering Workshop: Kim suggested a pampering workshop for women’s empowerment and self care, as she noted, “We care for others and often forget about ourselves.” She mentioned having some facials and perhaps yoga. Patty mentioned that it might be difficult to have it approved but would Kim agree to having the yoga as part of the team building day. Kim agreed and will reach out to her friend who teaches yoga. 
7. New business:
7.1 Template changes: The RWC agreed to continue using a “consensus” rather than using the rules of order to motion, second and carry. As well, they agreed to remove the topic, Discussion of Next Agenda from the template.
7.2 Fundraising: It was revealed that it was not fundraising that was an issue but rather donating that was an issue. This was noted and discussed. We agreed that we don’t want to make a habit of donating as it could lead to many requests that we are unable to fulfill. However there will be occasions where donating to a women’s movement is acceptable if all agree.
7.3 Kindred House: Everyone agreed to support Kindred House with a fundraising campaign. Items required: underwear, socks and bus tickets. We also agreed to match the first $500 raised. If we are able to raise a good amount we can purchase a bigger item that the house requires. Kindred House is a place for female street people, and workers, to find solace for five hours during weekdays. A safe house where they build relationships, eat and rest. Most are trans and Aboriginal women.
7.4 Kim Cardinal spoke on the taking stick and explained that Heather came for an evening of teaching. When one is in possession of the talking stick it is your turn to speak uninterrupted. The stick represents all PSAC committees. Small discussion of the importance of the Medicine Wheel and the colours (yellow, white, red, blue/black) as well as the animals that represent the medicine wheel. 
8. Roundtable with Talking Stick :-)
Patty: Patty became a tad emotional as this was the first time she held the talking stick at the round table. She thanked everyone for their unique voices and what they bring to the committee. She also said she is so grateful for the committee, as it has been a positive experience in her life. 
Kim: Our committee is about respect and love. We all share our ideas, share from ourselves. She spoke about asking someone you trust to write out your pros and cons. RWC is a safe place of growth. 
Charmaine: Charmaine spoke on Indigenous culture and how the buffalo is very important as it represents a spiritual sacrifice. Every part of the animal is used- nothing is wasted. She also thanked the committee for always being supportive of her. 
Nina: Talking stick is symbolic of the RWC committee working together to resolve conflict. Creating our talking stick is a great accomplishment. Nina mentioned that her term is up shortly and that she will miss working with the women’s committee. 
9. Next meeting date: April 19th
10. Adjournment:  Patty adjourned the meeting at 6:35.
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