Winnipeg Area Council Meeting Minutes - Dec 13, 2017
Attendance: Lorelei Topnik, James Cooke, Tania Lachance, Gus Mardli, Sheilagh Hanson, Chris Little-Gagne, Yvonne Hein, Serina Pottinger, Tracy Grove, Brett Rainboth
Regrets: Frank Janz, Michael Westwell
- Meeting was called to order by Chair Br. Mardli at 17:31
- Round table introductions made by all in attendance
- Adoption of Agenda –
- Moved by Br. Cooke, seconded by Sr. Topnik
- PSAC Statement of Harassment – deemed as in affect
- Moved by Sr. Grove, seconded by Sr. Topnik
- Adoption of September 26 minutes
- Moved by Br. Cooke, seconded by Br. Rainboth
- Treasure report
- Balance as of December 13 - $3295.91
- One outstanding chq - $223.23 to Sr. Pottinger
- Today’s lunch
- Motion to adopt Treasure report by Sr. Topnik, Moved by Sr. Pottinger, seconded by Sr. Grove
- Balance as of December 13 - $3295.91
- By-Election to elect WAC Vice Chair
- Br. Mardli took the floor to run the election
- Sr. Topnik nominated Sr. Sheilagh Hanson, seconded by Sr. Serina Pottinger
- There were no other nominations
- Sr. Hanson accepted the position
- Will need to get bank papers signed and updated to have new signing authority
- Update – fix Phoenix protests
- This Dec 13 pay week was in front of Doug Eyolfson’s Office
- It has been a good turnout having the locals take turns having the protest
- Do we want to start again in January? First payday of the new year is January 10
- There is a Local interested in the first payday, will send out a sign up sheet for future paydays
- Request to have a info pamphlet to hand out to the public on these payday fix phoenix protests
- Question – Br. Cooke asked about staging a walk out at his Local. Was wondering if it could happen?
- It is not recommended – staff could be disciplined, PSAC could be fined, we would lose credibility.
- What can be done? – Push the politicians, components should push for every member to get their file audited
- Question – Can we do an ad on the radio/tv
- Needs to go to national triennial convention and be voted on
- Is very expensive
- We currently have free advertisement with what we are doing
- Remind members to watch what they say to press
- Update: Remembrance Day Wreath
- We saved money as UVAE bought a wreath and added PSAC name to it
- Laid Wreath
- Update – Santa Clause Parade
- Ran out of candy WAY to soon again, otherwise it was a success
- A lot of members helped throughout.
- Suggestions – get swag next year. Possibly bags? Candy with PSAC on it
- Need to ask for higher budget for next year
- Could we possibly look into buying PA system to have on had for all events including Santa Clause Parade/Pride, rally etc
- Also look into requesting a storage unit to rent for all Parade stuff, swag, etc. could keep all PSAC extra stuff in there
- Need to create a checklist and delegate so that things can get done and not fall all on one person.
- National Area Council Conference Call
- Looks like another one will be happening Jan 10, 2018
- Last one was Dec 2014. Was suppose to be every year, but hasn’t been
- Is there any agenda items you want Br. Mardli to bring forward?
- Ask about funding
- More training
- Communication
- Budget – can it be changed?
- Approval – timing is an issue
- We are registered for the parade
- November 18th is the date
- Will need a lot of volunteers to help set up and be a part of the parade
- More details to come
- Labour Grassroot Leaders Affiliation
- Sr. Hanson is still getting wording together and working on a letter.
- Will put a letter together and share with before sending out.
- Hoping early in the New Year it will be ready
- Local 50012 joined the Winnipeg Labour Council J
- Next Meeting: Date TBD
- Will send out by email
- Need to see about the renovations
- Round Table:
- Tracy – won’t be available for meeting in January until after the 16th
- Chris – Parks and SSO still bargaining. Not looking good
- Canadian Human Rights Museum has accepted and ratifying on Wednesday
- Sheilagh – there is a link for the bargaining conference for equity groups to sign up
- Adjournment – 17:00
- Motioned by Sr. Topnik, seconded by Br. Little-Gagne
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