EHRC Meeting
September 12, 2017
In Attendance: Kim Cardinal, Keegan Gibson, James Somers (via telephone)
Staff Present: Carm Chan
Regrets: Mildred N'Cube
1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 17:35
2. Adoption of the Agenda
3. Review and Approval of Previous Minutes
4. Business arising from previous minutes:
Agenda Items:
1. Dream Catcher Update: James talked about the dream catcher event that happened in June. This was a good event, but because of scheduling, a lot of people who wanted to go, could not.
a.) A discussion followed about another one to possibly happen on November 4. PSAC office could hold 25, and might be a better option. Kim C to speak to Heather about it, and find out cost per person. James to talk to Tammy
2. Talking stick event- Kim C still would like to do this, but this might be moved to February with just the execs of PSAC committees.
3. Signing Authority. Not done yet. Follow up on October 05
4. Presentation of Dream Catcher to PSAC - Tabled to October 05 meeting
5. December 10- Kim Haynes, Mike Hogan to follow up on event
6. Remembrance Day - Keegan to attend. Possibly Mildred. James and Carm to find out about wreath.
Balance in account $5135.83
Round Table:
James - Attendance down in all committees, and EHRC hard to run with just 1 or 2 people. Lets get recruiting! Kim C already does at her exec meeting and in her local
Keegan - Going to find out if he has any notes for November 2016 meeting that don't have have mintues.
Kim C - Attended her first Pride Parade in Ottawa. It was a lot of fun, and wants to attend here
Carm - Alex Goertzen coming on Wednesday. Reminder- Any financial item over $500 has to be itemized
Meeting Adjourned at 18:15