Edmonton Human Rights Committee: Meeting Minutes - May 9, 2018

Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)

Edmonton Human Rights Committee

May 9th, 2018 PSAC Edmonton RO

In attendance:

Mavis Callihoo, Chair
Kim Cardinal, Treasurer
Patty Jessome, Secretary

Karen Dillabough, UNE 30040

PSAC Staff:
Carm Chan, A/Regional PSAC Rep

Regrets: Mildred Ncube, Co-Chair

1. Welcome to all / Call to Order – Mavis Callihoo called the meeting to order @ 5:40 pm.

2. Harassment statement: Read by Mavis Callihoo

3. Agenda - Adoption: Approval of Agenda, approved by consensus.

4. Adoption of Meeting Minutes: approved by consensus.

5. Finance Review Presented by Kim Cardinal:

5.1) As of March 31st, the bank balance is: $5,104.33. One cheque wrote for $31.50 for EHRC member, Adrian Nelson, as reimbursement for a contest prize for Black History Month.

5.2) A cheque written to Heather Portais was inadvertently wrote on an outdated Area Council cheque and Heather wasn’t paid. Kim will contact Heather regarding the NSF cheque and make sure she is compensated for the cost, if applicable.

5.3) Carm suggested that the old Area Council cheques be destroyed, agreed by consensus.

5.4) Was also noted that a new cheque for the poppy fund would be written.

6. Follow up on previous business:

6.1 Asian Heritage Month: Mavis did a lovely write up to our membership on Asian Heritage Month.

6.2 International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia: May 17th, The EHRC is seeking entries of poetry and artwork to be displayed at the Edmonton PSAC office with potential to be displayed in the PSAC newsletter. (Entry deadline will be June 6th, to give people enough time to submit.) The Theme is What does this day mean to you?

7. New business:

7.1 Pride Parade: Carm heard from Alberta Federation of Labour in regards to the pride parade taking place on June 9th, 2018. Our members will have to sign up to volunteer. The committee will put goodie bags together to give out to the public with a union statement enclosed. Next meeting to take place on June 6th where members can put together the goodie bags. Kim will ensure there will be snacks. Patty will create an insert regarding the union and its commitment to LGBTQ2 communities.

7.2 Lung Association: Scents in the workplace. Nina Snyder, the Chair of the Alberta Lung association will be coming to do a presentation about lung health and scents in the workplace. She will (possibly) be doing a spirometry test and will have a few radon test kits on hand. This is a very informative session and well worthwhile. Thursday, Sept 20th at 5:30 pm.

7.3 National Aboriginal Day: The EHRC is welcoming members to submit art or an essay by answering the question, "What does Reconciliation mean to you?" Winner(s) to join the committee on Mavis’s Uncle’s farm for a BBQ, berry picking and a tour of the farm on the Michel reserve. Other prizes include a PSAC red water bottle and a beautiful gray hoodie that boosts the saying, “a woman’s place is in her Union.”

7.4 Building Bridges to Humanity: Kim suggested using these words as branding on our Meeting minutes. It was agreed and incorporated into this document.

8. Roundtable:
Kim: The winner to harmony lunch was not able to go so I went on behalf of the committee. Amazing brunch, handled out awards and a great speaker. Speaker was amazing. Told funny stories and he was great. This committee should go every year and get a table. Great messaging.
Charmaine: pass
Mavis: Mavis is happy it is coming together.
Patty: Pass
Carm: Pass
Karen: Thanks for having me .

9. Next meeting date: June 6th

10. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 6:30


Who (name) What (are they doing) When (item #)
Kim Goodies and goodie bags: June 6th
Patty Create Inserts for Goodie Bags: In progress
Mavis Create announcement for May event: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia: In progress
Carm Send out poster: ASAP
Carm Send previous meeting minutes and harassment policy to Karen: Done

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