VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY – Education in Action project Guatemala, February - March 2019

The Education in Action project, supported by the PSAC Social Justice Fund, engages members and other Canadians to deepen their understanding of Guatemala and to build solidarity with Mayan communities. PSAC Social Justice Fund (SJF) is organizing a 12-person delegation to travel to Guatemala in the spring of 2019 to work with, and learn from grass roots organizations empowering communities.

The project is open to all PSAC members and other Canadians, who are able to cover their own expenses. Please see the attached application form for details.

Please return your completed application (attached) by October 31, 2018 to:

PSAC Social Justice Fund,
233 Gilmour Street, Ottawa ON
K2P 0P1
C/O Janet St-Jean

Email: stjeanj@psac-afpc.com   

Phone: 613-560-2974


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