Winnipeg Area Council Meeting Minutes - Oct 3, 2018
Attendance: Gus Mardli, Sheilagh Hanson, Christine Dmyterko, Yvonne Hein, Jamie Bonner, Tracy Grove, Brett Rainboth, Nestor Galarnyk
Guest: Tracy Thor, Jennifer Chieh Ho
Regrets: Frank Janz, Nathan
- Meeting was called to order by Chair Br. Mardli at 17:33
- Round table introductions made by all in attendance
- Adoption of Agenda –
- Add 8e. C.L.I.F.F
- Add 9a. University Student - Fight for 15
- Moved by Sr. Sheilagh Hanson, seconded by Br. Nestor Galarnyk
- PSAC Statement of Harassment – deemed as in affect
- Moved by Br. Galarnyk, seconded by Sr. Tracy Grove
- Adoption of June 25 minutes
- Error in the Nestor’s spelling of his name
- Add to 7A. that Sr. Sheilagh Hanson to say she attended Wpg Pride Parade
- Add to 7C. spelling of “accessible” fixed
- Moved by Br. Gus Mardli, seconded by Br. Galarnyk
- Treasure report
- Balance as of end of October - $2669.26
- Sr. Thor stated that the Santa Claus Parade budget is firm at $1500, we cannot go over!
- Motion to adopt Financial report
- Moved by Sr. Dmyterko, seconded by Sr. Grove
- LABOUR DAY Turn-out
- There were many members that showed up
- Wasn’t as big a turn out as in the past years
- Talk was happening that there may not be a parade next year
- Sr Hanson is going to submit a letter to send to locals to try get funding to help have a parade next year as it is 100 anniversary
- National campaign – go and talk to MP’s
- Br. Galarnyk went to MP BBQ and had a nice talk with them
- Talked about why treasury board didn’t have dates
- Labour Day Parade – members had a good conversation with Daniel Blakie
- Finalized monetary package
- They only had 2 days with treasury board
- SV group and all other groups will be back to bargaining in the coming up weeks
- All 4 tables are on board with the common issues
- Hoping next contract will be able to hire
- Salaries – keep up with inflation, close the gab on wages
- SV group would like to go to 37.5 hours instead of 40 hour work weeks
- All of our large groups have a big push for mobilization – visit MP’s
- New Campaign out – Here for Canada
- Anytime we are at events – talk about “here for Canada”
- Prairie Regional Council meeting Nov 2-4
- On Nov 2 there will be an event on Broadway – Rally
- Steward training will be there to attend
- Still lots of groups in bargaining
- LABOUR DAY Turn-out
- Municipal Election
- Wpg Labour Council endorsement list provided by Br. Bonner
- If you have time to volunteer, please volunteer or donate
- Also many committee’s you can be apart of
- Look under the City of Winnipeg Website and you can apply for different boards and committees.
- Solidarity Engagement Proposal
- Its an idea to have a meeting where we can invite all locals/RVPs to attend and entice people to join
- Have all 4 committees involved and explain what each committee does
- Sr. Hanson has sent a proposal to Br. Mardli to look over
- Santa Claus Parade
- November 17, 2018
- Registration has been paid
- Sr. Thor to send out request for help with the Parade to all locals
- Seasonal Celebration
- To discuss at a later date
- Municipal Election
- Guest: Sr. Jennifer Chieh Ho
- She wanted to talk about the CLIFF event (Canadian Labour International Film Festival)
- Hoping we can organize an event to reach out to all the members to come and see some of the films
- Would like to have a night where we could watch the files and bring all the committees together and perhaps explain the committees also in the evening?
- Need to pick a date and get organized
- November 21 – Here for CLIFF
- Cost would be minimal – roughly $120 for coffee/treats
- Sr Hanson to organize and put in proposal
- Next Meeting: November 6 @ 5:30
- Adjournment – motioned by Sr. Grove, seconded by Sr. Dmyterko
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