Edmonton Young Workers Committee Meeting Minutes
April 23, 2018
6:00 PM
In Attendance:
Sabino Spagnuolo, Vice-President
Dennis Holmwood, Secretary
Jagrit Bajwa, UTE Member
Staff in Attendance:
Nina Babcook, Term Regional Representative
Called to Order at 6:15 PM
Sabino provided background on previous meetings and work of committee for new attendee.
The Agenda was approved by consensus.
The minutes of the March 19, 2018 meeting were approved by consensus.
Old Business:
Young Workers Conference and Social
- The conference went well. The social planned by our committee was well received and the majority of delegates attended. We would consider holding other events at the same venue (Board and Brew Cafe) in the future.
- Terms of Reference. This item tabled until a future meeting with better attendance.
New Business:
Meeting Schedules
- Discussion on consistent dates and times for monthly meetings, but meetings of just the executive can be more flexible.
- It was felt that more attendees were needed/feedback was needed from more people before establishing regular night.
- Would like to continue holding meetings over the summer though this may be a challenge with summer vacation schedules. Goal is to establish regular, consistent times following the summer.
Social Event:
- Executive will be canvassed for dates with the most availability.
- Goal is to have a brief lesson/info session tied to event.
- Consider canvassing some locals and components to sponsor event/social night?
- Action: committee will find a date near the end of June for a social event and consider prizes to give away at event.
National Public Service Week
- PSAC will not be asking members to boycott NPSW this year. Committee might want to consider actions or campaign to coincide with PSAC’s campaign during the week.
Social Media and Surveys:
- Discussed setting up a survey to see what members might want to see the committee do, and to find out from locals how to approach young workers/if they have any who may be interested in committee.
- Sabino will set up a survey to send to local presidents, he will send it to the executive for approval via e-mail or WhatsApp before sending it out.
- Discussion on how student workers could be engaged as they may be members in the future.
- Would like to encourage locals to get young worker info when they meet with new hires and forward to committee if a member is a young worker. Would also like to come up with something to provide locals to give to new members who are young members about committee. This may be something to add to Regional Office Info Package if young worker info is not already being distributed.
- Discussion on setting up social media accounts, what accounts we would like to see (Twitter/Facebook?) Suggested that we have PSAC social media staff person do initial setup so that passwords/ability to access account are not lost when transitions in committee membership happen.
- Action: Committee will look into establishing social media accounts.
Our Organization: