Edmonton Regional Women's Committee: Meeting Minutes - Nov 15, 2018

Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)
Edmonton Regional Women’s Committee
General Meeting
November 15th, 2018        
PSAC Edmonton RO

In Attendance: 

Patty Jessome, Chair/Secretary            

Kim Cardinal, Co-Chair

Charmaine Nelson, Treasurer

Victoria Andrea, Member

PSAC Staff:

Carm Chan, Regional Rep

Regrets: Elizabeth Bagnell


  1. Welcome to all / Call to Order – Patty Jessome called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm.
  2. Harassment Statement: Read by Kim Cardinal
  3. This Agenda - Adoption: Agenda approved with one addition added by Patty for the AFL Brunch
  4. Adoption of previous Meeting Minutes: Approved by consensus.
  5. Finance Review: Charmaine updated the finances. Balance is $2433.82
  6.  New business:
    1. Committee Announcement from PSAC Prairie Region Council Women's Committee Representative, Deb Kosteniuk: (Please see attached Email on pages 3 and 4).
    2. Kindred House: Patty heard back from Shawna at Kindred House regarding purchases for underwear, socks, gloves and bus tickets. They purchase underwear and socks at Costco, gloves at the dollar store and bus tickets from the City of Edmonton.
    3. Remembrance Day Update: Charmaine attended and placed a wreath on behalf of the RWC. Thank you Charmaine!
    4. Kindred House: Patty followed up with CEIU president, George Loohuizen (Local 30851), who sent a donation of $300 directly to Kindred House. Gabby, with Kindred House, confirmed receipt of the cheque and followed up with the Boyle McCauley Health Centre (BMHC) to ensure they could use it for its intended purposes. BMHC confirmed the money could go towards the RWCs Kindred House Campaign. Gabby indicated they would be using the funds right away to provide for the women of Kindred House.
    5. Update on Website: T/C
    6. AFL Commemorative Brunch for National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women Tickets: Committee decided to put all the names of members who attended the RWC’s meeting for the 2018 year into a draw to give away extra tickets—Loreli Noble, Deb Basaraba and Mildred Ncube were drawn to attend.

  7. Roundtable:
    Kim: passed
    Carm: passed
    Victoria: Expressed how glad she was to join and be part of the RWC committee.
    Patty: passed
    Charmaine: passed
  8. Next meeting date: T/C
  9. Adjournment: Patty adjourned the meeting at 6:34.



Who (name)


When (item #)


Contact Local 30851



Talk to Thomas regarding Child Care site






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