Public Service Alliance of Canada
Lethbridge and District Area Council
General Meeting
May 31, 2018
In attendance: Krysty Munns (30048; President); David Pearson (30048), Secretary/Treasurer; Stephanie Erb (30048); Karen Mah (30048); Ray Wilson (30048); Kathy Dorchak (30027); Shirley Stolk (30048); Adesoji Fayemiwo (30048); Danielle Possiant (30907)
Kristy Slattery (30036), Vice-President
Dolly Ablitt, PSAC Regional Representative
1. Call to Order
6:30pm at London Drugs Community Room
2. Approval of the Agenda:
a. Motion to accept the previous minutes
i. M/S Sister Munns/Brother Wilson
1. Carried
3. Review and approval of the previous meeting’s agenda
a. Motion to accept the previous minutes
i. M/S Sister Mah Brother Wilson
1. Carried
4. Reports:
a. Treasurer Report
i. $1139.30 as of May 31, 2018
1. Motion to accept report
a. M/S Brother Pearson/Sister Munns
b. Carried
5. Previous business:
a. Discussion of 2018 Area Council events
i. Issues with the budget cycle,
1. Monies for the spring events comes in late
2. Should have two budget request
a. Fall to Spring
b. Spring to Fall
3. Submitt a resolution for next Regional Triennial
6. New business:
a. Burnt by Phoenix Dragon-boat Team
i. Weekend of June 23
ii. Burnt by Phoenix flags and banners
iii. 24 plus extra paddlers
iv. PSAC Swag
b. MP Lobby
i. AFL/CLC Pharmacare
ii. Phoenix Issues
c. Pride
i. June 23 parade
d. Other Community Events/Summer Parades/Festivals
i. Whoop-up Days Parade (Aug 21)
1. Walking with the Local Labour Council
ii. National Aboriginal Day (June 21)
1. Sweetgrass Young Alliance requesting support in their publishing of their book “I Am The Opioid Crisis: Stories From Southern AB”
a. Submitted a Social Justice Require to Sister Hladun for up to $2000 in return for recognition in the book and a number of copies to the Regional Offices
b. Motion: Donate up to $200 for their silence auction
i. M/S Sister Munns/Sister Dorchak
ii. Carried
iii. AFL Father’s Day BBQ
1. Civic Centre Jun 17 1-4pm
e. Education
i. Sister Ablitt talked about upcoming courses
7. Actions:
8. Next meeting date, time and location:
a. Sep/Oct
9. Agenda for next meeting:
a. To be announced
10. Adjournment
a. 7:45pm
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